Chapter 37 - Scott

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“Is everything okay?” Stiles asked me?

“No. Everything is not okay.” I snapped at him as I pushed my phone back into my pants pocket.

“What happened?” He asked me.

“That bitch blackmailed me.” I told him.

Not even being able to believe my own words. In the matter of two days she had somehow manipulated me into covering and lying to our dad for her. Who knew what she was doing. I have so much to worry about tonight. Its Liam’s first full moon tonight but now I have to worry about my sister getting into trouble with those losers she calls friends.

“Thana?” Stiles asked obviously not believing what I was saying either.

“Don’t underestimate her. I have come to the conclusion that she is the devil.” I told him as he just laughed at me.

“Let’s get this done with.” He said as he swung open the door to Derek’s loft not bothering to knock.

Once the door was shut behind us I scanned the room. Derek was nowhere in sight but Peter was leaning with his back against the table directly in front of us. He was staring rite at us and he did not look to happy. In fact he looked livid. It was obvious that he had been hurt even though his wound already was starting to heal. His chest was bright pink and sore looking.

“And what do I owe the pleaser?” He asked us in his usual sarcastic town.

“What the hell happened to you?” Stiles asked back.

He looked down at his chest to see the bright pink skin that remained.

“Oh this.” Pointing to his chest. “This is from of your friend without a mouth.” He said pointing to me.

“He attacked you? What happened?” I asked, instantly forgetting why I came here in the first place.

“He through an ax into my chest. I managed to fight him off. Then he ran off but not before I grabbed his voice thing off his arm.” He responded.

“Where is it? Can I see?” I asked him. This might help us figure out what is going on around here.

“Don’t have it.” Peter said.

“Were is it?” Stiles asked.

“Derek took it. He’s at the police station now talking with your dad.”

“Why the hell is her there?” Stiles asked. As if the answer was not an obvious one.

“Stiles. Your dads the sheriff.” I told him.

He seemed to look embarrassed.

“Oh ya.” He said. I could see his cheeks slightly turning pink.

“Sense you are not here to check on my wellbeing why don’t you tell me why the two of you have shown up at my house unannounced.” He demanded of us.

I suddenly remembered that I came here for a reason. I can’t believe how easy it had been for me to get side tracked. But then again I did not come to talk to Peter I came to talk to Derek.  Truthfully I did not know if I could trust Peter enough to ask him about my sister.

“Actually this is Derek’s house. You just crash here.” Stiles told Peter pulling me out of my thoughts.

Peter gave Stiles a look like he could not tell if he was surprised or insulted by his words.

“We came here because I have some questions. Sense Derek’s not here you will have to answer them.” I told him.

“What makes you think I will have the answers?” He asked.

I did not answer him I really did not have the time for his crap.

“Ask away.” He said as he hopped up and sat down on top of the table.

“I have questions about Thana.” I told him.

He seemed to tense up a little as if he was trying to take in what I had just told him.

“She’s your sister. Why would I know more about her then you do?” He asked me.

“Peter I’m not in the mood for your games. I saw the file I know that Malia’s mom is her aunt. And we know that Malia is your daughter. So my question is how well do you know my sister?” I asked him.

He looked at me surprised. Like he did not think we would be able to peace any of this together. At least not this quick.

“Fine I know Thana.” He said. “Well I knew her. When she was a kid before the fire. I don’t know her now. She’s nothing like the little girl I remember.” He told me with a slight grin on his face.

“So Derek. He knew her to?” Stiles asked.

Peter just sat there smiling.

“Yes Derek knew her. In fact the two of them used to be inseparable. He’s rather upset that she does not remember him.” He told us.

“How is it that Malia does not know she had a cousin?” Stiles asked.

“That’s because they never met. Malias mom was let’s just say not close to her family. She moved away shortly after she got pregnant and never saw her family again.” He told us.

“We read that the Hale family moved her with the Tomes is that true?” I asked him.

“Yes.” He answered.

“So then you knew more than just Thana’s aunt.”

“Correct again Scott.” He said mocking me.

“Do you know what happened to them? To her family?” I asked.

“How should I know that? They went missing after the fire.” He answered.

“Yeah we know the day after.” Stiles added in.

“Well if you don’t recall I really was not in the shape to go looking for answers so soon after the fire.” He snapped at him.

“You did not answer the question. Do you know what happened to them?” I asked again.

“No.” He snarled through his teeth at me as he stood up from the table.

“Anything else. I have to get going. Places to go people to kill.” He responded.

From the look on my face he obviously knew what I was thinking.

“Don’t worry I won’t kill anyone you will miss.” He said and walked past us.

“I have one more question.” I called out after him.

He stopped walking but did not turn around.

“What?” He snapped.

“Did Thana know about the Hales? Did she know you were werewolves?” I asked him saving the question I wanted the answer to the most for last.

“Does it matter?” He asked as he turned back around to look at me.

“Yes it does.” I said taking a step towered him.

“All that’s important is she does not now about us know.” He said in response.

“For the love of god can’t you just answer the dam question? Did she know about the big Hale secret?” Stiles snapped at him.

He just smiled back at us. With his weird little smile of his.

“Yes. She knew about us. They all did.” He said before walking out the door.

“Shit Scott. We got to go.” Stiles said as he looked at his phone.

I did the same and saw that I had like a hundred missed calls from Lydia. There she’s waiting at the house with Malia for the rest of us to come so we can tie up Malia and Liam tonight.

“How much longer until the moon?” Stiles asked me.

“Not long.” I responded as I ran out the door Stiles close behind me.

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