Chapter Thirteen

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Class seemed to go by in a flash. The teacher was nice and Izzy invited me to some show tomorrow night. Apparently there in a band called destruction and mayhem. The band consists of the three of them and someone named Jared.

They continued to tell me about their band as we made our way into Science.

I was lucky the teacher was a little old lady named Miss. Carr. She did not even seem to notice me. She just started teacher her class completely oblivious that no one was paying attention to her.

"So you moved here with your dad?" Stella asked.

"Well my dad has always lived here. I just moved here." I told them and instantly regretted it.

"So you used to live with your mom then in Boston?" She asked.

I did not know what to say. I really did not want to have this conversation so I just lied. Not a lot just a little.

"No. I lived with a family friend. My mom left when I was young I don't even remember her. I found my dad about a week ago. My mom never told him about me. But he's really nice. The second he found out he came to Boston and brought me home." I told them.

"That sucks." Allan said.

Your mom sounds like a bitch." Izzy said.

"I wouldn't really know." I told them.

"So you're going to come to our show tomorrow rite." Izzy asked.

"I'll have to ask by dad but yeah I'll be there." I told them.

"Good." Stella said.

"Do you need a ride?" Izzy asked me. "I'm shore Jared would not mind picking you up before the show." She said.

"That would be great." I responded.

"We will pick you up at seven." Allen said.

I handed Izzy a piece of paper with my address on it.

A few minutes later the bell rang.

"Time for lunch." Allen said as he shot up from his seat.

Thank god I'm starving." Stella said.

Allen reached out and grabbed on to Stella's hand. They walked out of the class room first leaving me and Izzy to fallow them.

We walked into the lunch room and I looked around. I could see Scott sitting at a table with his arm around Kira. Stiles, Malia and Lydia also sat at the table.

When Stiles saw me he raised his hand and started waving at me. Kira looked over to me and smiled. Scott and Malia both looked pissed that I saw them. Lydia did not look like she cared either way.

"Are you coming?" Izzy asked.

They were all waiting for me to fallow them to a table.

"Actually." I said. "I have already told some people that I would sit with them." I said.

"How is that possible I met you first block?" Izzy asked me.

"How do you no McCall?" Stella asked as she fallowed my line of sight.

I looked over and Stiles was still waving me over.

"How do you know him?" I asked.

"Everyone knows him. He's the captain of the lacrosse team. And Lydia, the red head is like the queen bee of this school." Stella said sounding annoyed.

"Thana get over here so Stiles will stop waving at you." Scott yelled out through the lunch room.

I looked back at Stella and she was looking at me suspiciously.

"He's my half-brother." I said before walking over to his table.

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