Chapter 45 - Peter

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She got into the car after me and I quickly took off down the street. I could not help but think what everyone was talking about. I did not think Thana was this crazy manipulative bitch; everyone was making her out to be. I think she is a strong girl who just wants to have fun. Not crazy at all. But then again everyone thinks I’m crazy so who am I to judge.

“Do you mind?” She asked as she pulled a cigarette out form her purse.

“No. It’s not my car.” I told her.

I watched her light it up and smiled deeply. I knew that Derek would indeed mind. He would be so mad when he gets his car back and finds out that someone smoked in it. It’s a strong smell for a werewolf but I will gladly indoor it for the freak out that is going to come when I give him back his car.

“So how did you meat my mom?” She asked me as she rolled down the window. Letting the smoke out of the car.

“I’m not going to answer that.” I replied.

I could feel the air around her tense up. She was so angry. I could hear her heart rate pick up.

“We made a deal.” She yelled at me.

“And I will hold up my end of the deal but not right now. You’re all fucked up. I just pulled out of a drug den. Chances are you’ll ask your questions I’ll answer then in the morning not remember any of it. I am not the type of man who liked to repeat myself.” I told her firmly so she would know I was not going to budge.

“Let me out.” She snapped at me.

“No.” I told her.

She was crazy if she thought I was going to leave her on the side of the road.

“Let me out now or I’ll.” She started saying but I interrupted her.

“Or you’ll what? Tuck and role.” I teased her as I pressed down on the gas. Speeding the car along faster then it was already going.

She just looked at me and started laughing.

“When you’re not so stoned.” I told her.

She shook her head in agreement and went back to smoking. We sat there in silence as we drove. The silence seemed to be bothering her. She kept shifting around in her seat and is on her third cigarette.

She finally reached over and turned on the radio. She flicked through the stations until she stopped on some pop song or something. I had never herd the song before.

“I love this song.” She called out.

Then she started to sing along with the words to the song.

“Party girls don’t get hurt”

She sang and I found the first line of the song totally ridicules. Party girls get hurt all the time. There so easy to hurt. I thought to myself. But she went on to sing more.

“Can’t feel anything, when will I learn? I push it down, push it down.”

Even though the song was sort of up beet I was starting to get that it was not a happy song about partying.

I started to feel a little sad as I listened to her sing the song. Not paying attention to the actual singer. Just listening to Thana’s voice.

“I’m the one “for a good time call”. Phone’s blowing up, ringing’ my doorbell. I feel the love, feel the love.”

What was wrong with me? I was very much moved my this song I had never heard before. Which was strange because I never felt like this. So hopeless

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