Chapter 98

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A few hours I woke up not being able to sleep much. I spent most of the early morning dreaming about things from my past. More so remembering things from my past. Most of them involving Derek and Peter but still it was something. Every time I closed my eyes it was like a flood of memory's washed over me. The rush I would get was so strong I would wake up every time. Then I would go back to sleep and it would happen all over again.

I walked out of my room to the kitchen to see coffee was made but dad was nowhere to be found. I assumed he must have got called into work and I brushed off his absence. I grabbed a quick cup of coffee, drank it as fast as I could then jumped in the shower. I took a quick shower as the water on my body hurt against my sensitive skin.

When I was out I quickly got dressed. I threw on jeans and a hoodie with sneakers. Not really caring how I looked considering school was still closed from the virus outbreak. I threw my hair up into a high pony and plopped down on the couch. I sat there for about an hour flipping through the stations. Finding nothing interesting enough to actually watch. I was contemplating going back to sleep when the doorbell rang.

I thought about who it could be and did not know. Everyone I know has no manners and would just walk in or climb in through a window. I got up and walked over to the answer the door. When I opened it I had to admit I was surprised to see that there was officer standing there.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah I need you to come with me." He answered.

"Why?" I asked as all of the different reasons he could be here ran through my head.

"We have a few questions we need to ask you, about the other night." He said.

"I told you everything I know about what happened all ready. Does my dad know about this?" I asked him.

"He's waiting for you at the station." He answered.

"Okay." I answered as I shut the door behind me and walked with him to his car.

I got into the back seat and was surprised when he locked me in.

"Am I under arrest?" I asked him.

"No." He answered then drove off.

"Then why does it feel that way?" I mumbled to myself.

A few minutes later we pulled up to the station. When we got there he let me out and I walked inside on my own. When I got inside I was surprised to see Scott was sitting there with Kira. I quickly made my way over to him.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"I don't know. Stiles is in there with Malia. I was told to wait for you." He told me.

I looked into the Sheriffs office to see him sitting behind his desk looking pissed and Stiles and Malia sitting in the chairs across from him looking just as worried as us.

"You three with me." Dad said as he walked through the door with Isaac and Liam.

He walked into the office and we all followed after him. We all crammed into the small office wondering what was happening.

"Where are the other three?" Dad asked.

"On the way?" Sheriff answered.

As if on que Lydia walked in escorted by Parrish. Lydia went to sit next to us and Parrish went to walk away but dad stopped us.

"Stay." He said to him and Parrish did what he was told even though he looked worried.

"Where's Derek?" Dad asked Sheriff and my stomach flipped.

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