Chapter 102 Liam's POV

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I stood there as I started at Scott lying on his bed and could not stop moving. It's like my feet had a mind of their own.

"Are you guys totally shore about this?" I asked them.

"I think Liam's kind of nervous. Maybe you should tell him to calm down." Kira said as she bit her nails which she only does when she's really nervous.

"It's gonna be alright." He told the both of us.

"So you've done this before right?" I asked hopping he would say yes.

"I have seen into done." Kira's mom told me which did not make me feel any better.

"Is that just as good?" I asked not even knowing what words where coming out of my mouth.

"What do you think?" Thana snapped at me.

I have not known her long but it was easy to read her. When she got scared, or nervous she responds by getting angry.

"No. This is a terrible idea." Kira's mom answered me as she looked to Thana.

"I'll just do it without you." Kira said to her mom as she tried to sound confident.

She reached out and held her palm over Scott's chest, and Kira then did the same. But before they could do anything Scott stopped them.

"What happens when I'm out? Am I going to feel this?" Scott asked.

"It might feel like a dream." Kira's mom answered.

"Good or bad?" Thana asked with a very serious look on her face.

"I supposed that depends on him." She answered as she looked to Scott.

Kira reaches for him again and I was so nervous I thought I might puke. I look over to Thana and see she has reached out and grabbed his other hand trying to calm him down. Thana looks to Kira and then drops Scotts hand and about a half second later Kira and her mom electrocute him. He took one deep breath then just stopped breathing.

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