Chapter 169

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I was surprised when Derek stopped driving in front of Stiles.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Checking on Stiles." He answered flatly.

It was obvious now he was still mad at me. We got out of the car and walked to the door silently. I held up my hand to knock on the door, but before my first even made contact with the door it swung open revealing a very jumpy Stiles.

"Did you find them?" He asked instantly.

He looked frantically from me to Derek then back to his phone.

"No, I was hoping he would have contacted you," Derek told him.

"Where's your dad?" I asked.

"With Mellissa." He answered.

"Are you up for a search party?" I asked him as I became more worried by the second.

"I'm fine, I survived a thousand-year-old demon possessing me. I'll manage a few sore muscles." He answered.

"Someone needs to know where they were heading," I said as I looked between the two of them.

"I have no idea?" Stiles answered.

"I do." Derek chimed in.

"What?" I yelled at him.

"Why did you wait this long to tell us?" Stiles snapped.

"Why did you wait this long to tell us?" Stiles snapped

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"He asked me not to. He wanted to be left alone." He told us.

"Where are they?" I asked through ground teeth.

I was boiling with anger and feared if I opened my mouth fully I might bite his head off.

"An old log cabin on the lake that belonged to my family." He answered.

"That will take us an hour to get there. You should have told us sooner!" Stiles yelled at him.

"No, it won't," I said.

Before he could ask any questions I grabbed both of their hands.

The air thickened before exploding around us. One second we were standing on Stiles front porch then the next we were standing outside the Hale cabin.

"What the fuck, what just happened?" Stiles asked before bending over to throw up.

"Sorry, I should have warned you that could happen," I told him.

"You should have warned me you could teleport." He responded as he wiped the puke off his lips.

"How long have you been able to do that?" He asked me.

"I have only done it a few times," I answered.

"That's so cool." He said as he looked around him taking in exactly where we were.

"That was extremely careless," Derek said cutting him off.

"What are you talking about? I got us here in like two seconds." I answered him.

"You have never even tried to teleport other being before. A hundred of things could have gone wrong and you didn't even give us an option." He said to me as he towered over me nearly.

"What do you mean could have gone wrong?" Stiles asked.

"The pretty version is the top of you ending up here and the bottom over there." HE said as he pointed into the woods.

"How is that the pretty version?" Stiles asked as he wrapped his arms around himself as if to make sure he was all still in one peace.

"Everyone's fine, you need to calm down and focus on what's important. Making sure Scott is okay." I reminded him.

"She's right, you guys can fight later. Let's go check on Scott and Kira." Stiles said as he walked over to the cabin.

The two of us followed and when we all stood on the porch Stiles yelled out.

"Scott! It's Stiles, I'm with Thana and Derek. We're coming in so put your pants back on!" Stiles yelled at the door.

The second his hand touched the door knob the door swung open with a loud scratch.

"It was open." He said as he looked to the two of us.

The three of us made our way inside to see that the place was trashed. The couch was flipped over. Food from the picnic was squished all over the floor. The table was crushed as if someone was thrown into it. There was broken glass on the floor. The most upsetting thing was the pool of blood that was being absorbed into the carpet.

"What the hell happened here?" Stiles asked as he frantically started to search through the house to find Scott and Kira were gone.

"Why did you send them all the way up here?" I asked him.

They were literally in the middle of nowhere. We would not have been able to help them even if we knew they were in trouble.

"It was supposed to be abandoned. They wanted privacy." He answered.

"They were both here?" Stiles asked.

"Yes. That bloods Kira's." I said as I pointed to the pool of blood. "That's Scotts," I said pointing to the little bit of blood on the broken table.

"How do you know that?" Stiles asked.

"I can just tell," I answered.

"Shit I need to call Lydia and let her know what's going on," Stiles said as he ran out of the cabin to make the call.

I looked at Derek one more time before following Stiles outside. He really should have told us sooner. It had been hours since they were attacked. They would be anywhere by now.

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