Chapter 74- Thana

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Miss. McCall left the room after she made shore I was stable. I looked over to Derek who had not left my side this entire time. I could not help but feel that there was something more to all of this. Something that he was hiding from me. I know that I knew his family from before I lost my memories and apparently my mom was not only friends with his pack. That can't be chance. My mom, my family had to have known what was going on around here. And I think it was about time I did to.

"Derek?" I asked he almost jumped at my words.

"Yes." He answered.

"I think it's about time you tell me the truth." I said to him.

"The truth about what?" He asked me.

"About me. About who I am, about how I know you." I told him.

"Thana we don't have to do this now." He answered.

"Yes we do. Assassins are trying to kill the people I care about. I was shot and everyone around me is hiding things from me. Especially you. So no more secrets. Tell me what happened to my family." I told him.

"Were do I start?" He asked in frustration finally realizing he was not going to win this.

"The beginning. How did out family's meet?" I asked him.

"That's a very long story." He answered.

"Well then get started." I told him.

"Well it started long before there even was Beacon Hills." He said.

"In Salem?" I asked him.

"Yes in Salem. Our families were some of the first family's to settle here. We lived in Salem until the witch trials. It was at this time that our family decided it was time to leave and start somewhere else. So they grabbed their horses and moved to the complete opposite side of the country. It was mostly uncharted at that time so it was great for them and cheap." He told me.

"Why would they leave there home? And why did you come with them?" I asked.

"Well they left to avoid persecution."

I could not help but look at him as I took in his words.

"They were witches. Your entire family was." He told me.

I could not help but laugh at his words. But the look on his face let me know that he was not joking.

"Wait your serious?" I asked him.


"But I don't have any powers." I said to him.

"I think who ever erased your memories, also bound your powers." He said to me.

"Why would they do that?" I asked him.

"To protect you." He said.

"From what?" I asked him.

"Let me continue." He told me.

"Fine." I told him.

"Okay so it was a little more complicated than just a bunch of witches running from the hunters. Your family was royalty." He could see I wanted to talk but he gave me the look to tell me to shut up.

"Your blood line is the oldest in all of magic. They had extrema power and influence. And it was custom that they all married other witches to keep the blood line pure. This especially applied to the Queen." He said.

I was no longer able to keep my mouth closed.

"The Queen?" I asked.

"Yes. The Queen. Like I was saying the Queen had to marry a noble. It was the rules. But when they moved the Queen saw it as a way out of her arranged marriage. So she asked the man she loved to move with her." He told me.

"A Hale." I said.

"Yes. Not just any Hale he was the Alpha. They both had arranged marriages. As the leaders they had to keep their lines pure. Them being together would make their lines un pure. But they did not care. He packed up the entire Hale pack and moved across the country together." He told me.

"Wait are we related?" I asked him.

"No." He said.

"But." I started but he stopped me.

"They did not have a happy ending. They moved her and started up the town but in the end everyone and everything that could kept them apart. They both ended up marring in their own race but the Queen had a prophecy that change everything forever."

"What was it?" I asked.

"That as long as the family's stayed together at some point they would meet again and actually be able to be together." He told me.

"Like reincarnation?" I asked him.

"Yes. So she bond the two families' together in hope that one day it would come true."

"What did she do?" I asked.

"Every which has a familiar. She broke the connection with there's and bound my family to hers. Making us there familiars. Every witch has their own wolf and it's our job to keep you safe." He told me.

"Are you mine?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

"Yes." He answered me.

"What happened to our families?" I asked him.

He seemed to look hurt like he did not want to talk about it.

"Derek I need to know." I told him.

"Well my family was attacked by hunters. They were all killed." He said.

"In the fire." I finished for him.

"Yeah. So I was out that night and did what I was taught to hide. When I did come back not only was my entire family was dead your family was missing. I don't know what happened to them. There was nothing left here for me so I just left." He told me.

"What do you think happened to them?" I asked.

"I think who ever sent Kate to kill my family was getting there guard dogs out of the way." He said to me.

We sat there in silence for a while. I tried to take in everything that was being told to me.

"How do we fix it?" I asked him.

"Fix what?" He asked me confused.

"Me. How do we fix me? I want my powers back." I told him.

"Thana I don't know if that's a good idea." He answered.

"I don't care. People are trying to kill us and I can't do anything about it. But if I had my powers I could help. I would be safe."

"Trust me your much safer now." He said to me.

"What are you talking about I'm sitting in a hospital bed because I was shot." I said to him.

"Thana who ever killed our families will come for you if they knew you were alive. It's better for you to stay hidden." He said to me.

"If you won't help me I will find a way to get it done on my own." I told him sternly.

"Have you always been such a pain in the ass?" He asked me.

"Yes." I answered him simply. 

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