Chapter 51

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I knew I had to say something soon before my dad got the wrong idea. Although I was shore he had already reached that idea.

“High dad.” I said as I stood up. “This is David.” I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.

“Okay where is Izzy and why is David sitting on my couch?” He asked me even though he was still looking at David who quickly stood up off of the couch at his statement.

“Izzy left a while ago. And before you have a heart attack.” I told him drawing his attention back to me.

“David’s gay.” I finished my sentence.

“What?” Both David and my dad said at the same time.

I looked back at David and gave him a look tell him to go along with what I was saying.

“Don’t worry David my dad won’t say anything.” I told him. Then looked back to my dad.

“Rite dad?” I asked him.

He just looked at David not knowing what he should say.

“You’re gay?” He asked David.

“Yep.” He responded sending a quick glimpse at me.

“I haven’t really come out though.” He continued finally getting over the shock of what I said and joining in. “My brother would not really understand, plus I don’t think the guys on the wrestling team would feel comfortable  they knew there captain liked boys.” He told my dad.

I could see that he was trying to hold back a smile I just hoped that my dad could not see it.

“You’re on the wrestling team?” My dad asked.

He seemed to have relaxed a little.

“Yes. Coach has me personally training Thana.” He told my dad.

I was surprised at the 180 my dad did. He no longer looked angry just curios. He pushed his way around me getting in-between me and David motioning for him to sit back down. I just walked into the kitchen to get a drink and watch whatever was about to happen.

“So how does your team feel about having a girl join the team?” He asked.

David relaxed realizing that he was in the clear.

“They were not happy at first but Thana has proved that she can handle her own. In fact most of the team is a little scared of her.” He told him.

I could not help but laugh at his statement.

“Scared of me.” I called out from the kitchen.

“Yeah. Your scary.” He answered.

My dad just laughed and then pointed at me.

“Her scary.” He said.

I could not help but be insulted.

“Hey I beat him.” I said pointing at David as I walked back into the living room.

My dad looked back to David.

“She did?” He asked.

“If you count kicking me in the balls to get out of a pin winning.” He stated looking rite at me.

“You did what?” My dad asked looking directly at me.

“I only did it once. And it was our first practice. That’s when I still thought he was an ass.” I stated.

“Don’t swear.” My dad told me before looking back to David. “How do you feel about having her on the team?” He asked David.

“Who am I to judge?” David said obviously referring to the fact that my dad thought he was gay.

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