Chapter 40

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Once I was at the top of the stairs I came to a little white door. I thought about knocked but there was no answer. I did not have the patience to wait at this time so I pushed it open and walked inside.

Once inside I looked around and was standing in a small little hall way. There was a chair in the corner next to a shoe rack full of shoes. I figured they must not allow shoes in here so I quickly took them off pleased to finally be out of those dam heels.

I walked out of the hall and into the living room. It was actually really nice in here. Not what you would expect form an apartment on top of a tattoo parlor. There was a red long couch that sat on a nice black rug. In front of the couch was a flat screen TV that was on the wall above an brick fire place.

There was a nice glass table in the middle of the room that had what looked like a few sketch pads. I was curious to see what was inside but my attention was instantly drawn away by a figure standing on the deck that was write off the living room.

“David.”  I called out.

He spun around and looked at me. He was smoking a cigarette. I did not know he smoked.

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” He snapped at me.

“Relax.” I told him. “Your brother told me it was okay.” I snapped back at him not liking the town he was talking to me in.

Actually this was the town that he normally talks to me in. I guess I was just too drunk and high to tolerate him.

“When did you talk to my brother?” He asked getting more and more annoyed with me by the minute.

“Down stairs.” I told him. Joining him out on the deck.

I held up a cigarette asking him silently if it was okay for me to light it up. He shook his head yes. I did not have a lighter so I pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. Much to his protest and used the light end of his to lite mine. Then handed it back to him. He just smiled then continued smoking.

“Look I did not come up here to fight.” I told him as I exhaled the smoke from my lungs.

“Then why did you come up here?” He asked me with his devilish suggestive grin.

I smiled at him as my hand that was not holding the cigarette twitched against my leg.

“I did not come up for that either.” I told him.

I knew he was kidding but I swear he looked a little disappointed when I answered him.

 I shook of the thought. I could not completely trust my judgment at the moment. Considering I was in fact drunk and the coke had taken full effect.

“So?” He asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

“So what?” I asked back. I had managed to confuse myself.

“Why did you come up here?” He asked me and laughed at the same time.

“Oh yeah. I wanted to apologies.” I told him.

“For what?” He asked.

“For down stairs. If I would have known that you were an addict I would not have been such a bitch about it.” I told him at lightning fast speed. Not being able to completely control how fast I was talking.

He looked at me and got angry.

“I’m not an addict!” He screamed at me as he pushed by me and walked inside.

“You know what I meant. You’re in recovery. I did not know. I’m sorry.”  I told him honestly.

He looked back at me. Taking in what I told him.

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