Looking for Levi

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When school was finally let out, Levi and his friends decided to go to the mall because that is insanely original... Well done guys!

"So what are going to do now?" Levi asked.

"Everything!" Hanji exclaimed. "It's finally summer! The time to do fun experiments."

"Don't you mean dangerous experiments?" Petra asked.

"Psh! Dangerous experiments!" Hanji ridiculed. "The school really couldn't handle a couple watermelon explosions?"

"The fact that you brought watermelons to school just to try that surprises me," Auruo said.

"Hey! Can we go to the food court now?" Isabel asked. "I'm hungry."

"I can smell food," Mike said as he pointed to the direction of the food court, despite it being on the opposite side of the mall.

"Wait guys!" Erwin stated. "Where's Levi?"

"I don't know," Petra answered. "Wasn't he here a second ago?"

"I'll look in the kiddie area!" Hanji exclaimed as she ran over to the play place.

"I'll check the candy store!" Isabel smiled as she dragged Farlan away with her.

"We'll check the food court!" Erd and Gunther stated as they ran off.

"And I'm checking Hot Topic," Petra stated. "A place he may actually go to."

"I'll go with you!" Aurou said as he followed her.

Mike sniffed the air around him.

"What is it boy?" Erwin asked. "Are you onto something? Did you find his scent?"

Mike let out a single grunt as he pointed in a direction.

"You go, boy!" Erwin exclaimed as they ran in that direction.


"Levi!" Erd called out in the food court.

"Levi?" Gunther called out shortly after. "Levi-"

"Dude!" Gunther exclaimed. "They're giving out free samples of Chinese food!"

They both looked at each other. "Hell yeah!" They said at once before running over to get he free samples.


"Oh big bro!" Isabel called out. "Big bro! Where are you?" She called out while filling a plastic bag with candy.

Farlan crossed his arms. "I don't think he is in the gummy bears, Isabel."

"Why not?" Isabel shrugged. "He's small enough to fit."

Farlan didn't know how to respond. He was caught between wanting to ridicule it and bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter. So he ended up letting out a weird snort.

"Bless you," Isabel stated. "At least we tried," Isabel said while holding up a plastic bag to Farlan, trying to tempt him.

Farlan rolled his eyes. "Just don't fill it up too much or it will be a pain to pay for." He took the bag. "Maybe we'll find him in the sour gummy worms."


Meanwhile, Hanji was running around the mall's play place, running into kids, making them cry, and interrogating them violently while having fun.

Then, she saw something. There was someone who was hiding in a corner. He had that black hair and undercut and he looked around the perfect height as well.

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