A Very Merry Titan Christmas - Part 1

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It starts with two groups of friends,
Who never thought they would meet.
And on Christmas Day, Fate sends
A time for them to greet.

The story I'm about to tell,
Of carols, love, and what they sell,
I hope will entertain you.
Because in a few moments will the story be through.


Eren walked down the streets on the 24th of December. The snow provided a thin layer on the ground that cushioned each step he took. He stopped at the Christmas store and walked in.

Eren perused the different ornaments and lights and picked the ones that are red, silver, and gold. His family tends to have a certain color combination every year.

He brought everything to the cashier.

"It's cold out there isn't it?" The cashier asked as she scanned the items.

"It is," Eren replied. "Apparently there's going to be a big storm. I have to get home before it starts." He gave her the money.

"Thank you," she said as she put the money into the register. "Here's your change and things." She gave him his bags. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas," Eren waved back at her. He wasn't able to walk two steps down the street before he crashed into someone.

He dropped his bags and his decorations scattered across the snow.

"Oi! Brat, watch were you're going!" Shouted the person who he crashed into. Eren recognized him from school. Now it was twice as embarrassing.

The stranger stood up while his friends helped Eren with his things.

"Levi, be nice, it's Christmas," someone else said.

"Oh, shut it, eyebrows," Levi snapped back.

"Sorry about my friend," a girl said as she leaned on Eren's shoulder. Obviously, she doesn't know anything about personal space. "He tends to be a downer. Oh well, here's your bags and a ho ho ho and Merry Christmas to you!" She said as she handed Eren his bags and shoved him down the street.

"I'm pretty sure you made things worse, Hanji," Levi uttered.

"Whatever," she shrugged.

They walk into the Christmas store and all shouted at once, "Petra!"

"What an entrance," she said as she walked out from behind the counter.

"So we are cordially inviting you to a Do Everything That is Nothing day," Gunther, Erd, and Auruo said at the same time.

Being Auruo, he bit his tongue in the the midst of saying it and fell to the ground in pain.

"Uh, what is a... Doing Nothing with an Everything day?" Petra tried to repeat.

"I told you it was a stupid name," Levi said.

"Basically, all Christmas Eve we spend all night doing random stuff and come back Christmas morning in case you need to celebrate it or whatever," Erwin said.

"So we can celebrate Levi's birthday!" Hanji exclaimed.

"I always knew he was Jesus," Erd snickered.

"Shut up!" Levi shouted.

Petra laughed at this. "Sounds like fun. I'm in."


Reiner probably called Bertolt ten thousand times in the past 3 minutes. At long last, he picked up.

"What the heck, man, I was taking a shower," he heard Bertolt's voice from the other end.

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