Rants of an Angry Boy

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"You know what I hate about school?" Eren suddenly spoke up in the middle of lunch.

His friends looked at each other before answering. "What is it, Eren?" Reiner asked while rubbing his temples.

"You did it wrong," Jean butted in. "It goes like this- "

Jean stood up and cocked his head unnaturally far to the side. "WHAT IS IT EREN??!?!!???¿!¡??!"


"No," everyone muttered at the same time even though they all knew he was going to continue.

"Okay, so in English, we had this graded discussion last week where we talked about a book and we had a group grade. We got our grade back today and you want to know what we got?" Eren stood up and shouted. "WE GOT A FUCKING C! We got a C just because some lil' shits are to scared to speak up."

"Oh. How tragic," Sasha stated sarcastically.

"And. AND," Eren continued, "something else happened today. In Biology, we were taking a test when the teacher said to make a correction on one of the questions. So I asked for her to repeat it, but she said it was on the board. I missed it accidentally and I would have been fine unTIL THE ENTIRE CLASS TURNED THEIR HEADS AROUND TO LOOK AT ME!"

"That's terrible," Ymir said with a bored look on her face.

"It's like they were turning around and going. 'Oh, who's the idiot who asked the question?' IT WAS A FUCKING MISTAKE! THEY DIDNT HAVE TO ALL SHAME ME AT ONCE," Eren continued to shout. "And! Oohhhhh, I hate this the most. A guy in English decided to fucking turn his head at a 90 degree angle to the side, and crack it like he was a fucking owl."

"No one cares," Jean muttered, but Eren continued.

"It made the most uncomfortable sound I HAVE HEARD IN MY LIFE," Eren shouted. "How did the guys head not fall off and roll on the floor? HOW did his head not come off into his hands? I don't think it's humanely possible to move a person's head that way WITHOUT KILLING ONESELF."

For a moment, Eren was silent. He sat back down into his chair and angrily bit into his sandwich like it was the flesh of his enemy. Everyone felt a sense of false security before Eren spoke up again.

"AnD aNoThEr ThInG!" Eren stood up once again.

They all groaned at once, except for Jean, who walked over to the wall and repeatedly pounded his head against it.



Hai all you wonderful readers. I am extremely glad it's December because it is my absolutely FAVORITE MONTH.

Scouting Legion High School [ An Attack on Titan Modern High School!AU ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora