Too Spooky

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"I don't think children would want to go up to that house, Connie," Jean said. Marco nodded in agreement. He was of course referring to the use of an entire field of spiderwebs decorated with plastic, yet oddly realistic looking spiders. There were also zombie dummies set up around every corner. The children had to cross through all of that to get into the garage where Connie would be waiting with the candy, dressed as a vampire.

Now the garage was even worse. On all sides of the walls were fake zombies, ghouls, goblins, all that you can think of all staring towards the center. So once a child stepped in to receive his or her candy, all eyes would be on the poor, innocent child.

"That's the point," Connie wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't forget the special effects. We have green lighting, a fog machine, and creepy children whispering noises." Connie pressed a button in his remote. Jean and Marco could hear the whispering coming from all around them, making it hard to pinpoint the exact source.

"Do you have multiple speakers?" Marco asked.

"Yep!" Connie boasted proudly.

Suddenly, everyone heard the throaty sound that The Grudge makes. This caused Jean to leap into the air and into Marco's arms who was forced to carry him like a baby. Then, Sasha's laughing was heard from the nearby as she came out from the webs. She was dressed as a zombie prop in the front, and she was holding a remote in her hand.

"Baby," Sasha insulted Jean.

"If Jean can barely handle it, how can the children handle it?" Marco asked.

Sasha scoffed. "I bet a five year old has more balls than Jean."

"You take that back!" Jean shouted as he scrambled down from Marco's cradling arms.

"We also hired Bertolt," Connie added.

"To do what?" Marco asked.

"H-hello," Bertolt said meekly from behind. The instant Jean turned around, he was about to jump at Marco again.

"Holy shit!" Jean breathed. "That scared me!"

However, Marco had the opposite reaction. "This is perfect!"

"I know right!" Sasha and Connie joined in.

Bertolt began to laugh along, but only slightly, as he didn't necessarily like his costume since he already scared quite a few people. However, his taciturn silence was almost perfect for the role. Connie and Sasha made him dress in a white morf suit under a black suit to make the perfect, most realistic, and probably the shyest slenderman.

"He's gonna stand outside silently and stare at people from afar," Sasha stated.

"Yep, that will definitely make people defecate," Marco sighed.

"I don't know, Marco," Bertolt spoke up. "You don't know how many people would actually chase slenderman down and attempt to beat him with a stick."

"Dang, how many times has that happened?" Connie asked while taking a fake arm from the box of decorations.

"Several," Bertolt admitted.

"Aw, poor thing," Sasha said.

Then, all heads turned when they heard Reiner's voice.

"'Sup, guys!" He said as he walked up to the garage, dodging the stray webs. "Nice decorations, by the wa-" Reiner stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes widened. He pointed violently at Bertolt who immediately began to shake in fear.

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