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"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!" Christa bellowed at Armin with a megaphone even though he was standing mere inches away. "MURDER IS ALWAYS AN OPTION!"

"Dang, Christa," Sasha whistled as she walked up to the scene. "What project were you put in charge of."

"Oh nothing," Christa shrugged. "I just carry around a megaphone FOR EMPHASIS nowadays." The megaphone gave feedback as she randomly pushed the button on the "for emphasis" part, temporarily deafening Sasha.

"I would rather not murder, thank you," Armin said as he began to walk away.

"It is when you're dealing with difficult people!" Christa shouted as she pulled him back by the back of his collar.

"I'm so tired!" Reiner complained as he approached them. A very unamused Bertolt followed suit with an expression alluding the consideration of murder.

"My feet hurt," Reiner complained.

"Reiner, shut up," Bertolt groaned. "He's been like this the entire day."

"No I haven't!" Reiner snapped back. "It's Mr. School's fault for confiscating Matilda."

"It's not my fault that you decided school would be a good place to show off your fishnet tights collection," Bertolt said.

"It's not my fault that he doesn't have fabulous thighs," Reiner scoffed.

"My innocence has shattered for the fifth time today," Christa said under her breath.

"Reiner, what level of irony are you on?" Armin asked.

"Like, five or six by now, my dude," Reiner responded.

"You are like a baby," Armin stated nonchalantly. "Watch this."

Armin took the megaphone from Christa and walked up to Reiner, pointing it as his face.


"Bitch, who and how much," Reiner snapped back.

"Why must you do these things?" Bertolt asked.

"The same reason why Jean is doing the PPAP dance," Reiner stated as he gestured over to Jean who was being recorded by Marco. Jean even had the yellow outfit, the glasses, and the facial hair on point.

"I have 'Go die,' I have 'Eren Jaeger.'


Go die, Eren Jaeger.

I have a 'you,' I have 'shit truffle.'


You shit truffle.

Go die, Eren Jaeger,

You shit truffle.


Go die, you shit truffle."

"Wow, he got the dance down as well," Sasha remarked.

"He's getting paid $20," Reiner explained."

"Oh," everyone said simultaneously.

"JEAN!" Eren shouted as he sprinted down the hallway. "GET BACK HERE, YOU ISOSCELES FUCK!"

"NOT A CHANCE, SHIT TRUFFLE!" Jean shouted as started to bolt in the other direction.

"What's a shit truffle?" Christa asked.

"No clue," Sasha replied.

"Happy birthday, my queen," Ymir said as she swings her arm over Christa's shoulder. "My little shit truffle!"

"Is shit truffle a good thing?" Reiner asked.

"Aw! You remembered!" Christa smiled. "What did you get me?"

Ymir held out a box which Christa snatched up immediately and tore it open.

"I got you a doujinshi!" Ymir exclaimed.

"Of my NOTP, you SHIT TRUFFLE," Christa shouted though her megaphone. She immediately slammed down the book and started running after Ymir who was already running for her life.

Reiner picked up the book as the rest of the friends watched the two girls run off.

"So it's a bad thing," Armin clarified.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"This is hot, though," Reiner said as he flipped through the pages.

Everyone stared at him.

"This shouldn't be surprising," Reiner stated.



Wha what??

I wasn't late for Christa's b-day!!





WROTE A CRACK FIC BASED OFF THIS HELL OF A SNK PARODY AND Y'ALL SHOULD GO READ IT BC I CHOKED WHILST LAUGHING. And also check out the author while you're there bc there's some good stuff good stuff that Author-chan wrote 👀👌👀👀👀👍👀👌👌👌👌💯💯

RANDOM QUESTION (not so random actually)

If any of y'all taking your butt down to Katsucon?

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