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"Ugh, do you know what's really annoying?" Eren asked Mikasa.

Mikasa glanced up from her book. "Well, assuming it's from your point if veiw, everything."

"Very funny," Eren rolled his eyes, "but no. I hate it how Fall Out Boy is so mainstream. I mean, I was their fan way before their songs became popular."

"Having your hipster moments, Eren?" Mikasa sighed.

"Dude, you won't understand!" Eren stated. "I had a Fall Out Boy song playing in study hall today, and this random girl shows up, that I absolutely hate, and starts mouthing the lyrics and dancing to the song.

First of all, she was mouthing the wrong lyrics! And two, that bitch can shut the fuck up because she probably knows shit about the band. Does she know the band had two albums they got rid of because they were sucky? No!"

"Calm down Eren-"

"Calm down? How can I calm down?! Fall Out Boy is mainstream now, but it's bad because I was a true fan way before they were. And they just come in, and ruin things," Eren ranted. "Omg, I am a total hipster."

"But wouldn't that make you mainstream?" Mikasa asked.

"Ew, no. I'm the exact opposite of mainstream," Eren said.

"Technically no, because being hipster is 'mainstream,'" Mikasa stated. "Haven't you noticed people have taken more of an interest towards alternative instead of pop culture?"

"But I was hipster before it was cool!" Eren whined.

"You were," Mikasa answered. "But now since hipsters are mainstream, it contradicts the whole 'striving not to be mainstream thing.'"

"So that means..."

"So," Mikasa interrupted his thought, "that means by definition, hipsters don't exist."

Eren stared at the ground. "My whole life has been a lie."


AN: Eren is my friend and Mikasa is me. Lawl.

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