Chapter 126: Destined to be

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TW: Mentions of Breathing Struggles and War


The silence was suffocating. Anxiously, George was waiting for Dream's response, fearing what he might say.

Centuries seemed to pass as they swam in front of eachother, not a single word uttered. Now it was Dream's turn, George had said and done everything he could. Atleast, if he was to be rejected now, he would have tried.

Dream appeared to be very surprised. Understandable, George had basicially rejected him, only to tell him he did want to be with him. It was embarressing for the merman to say the least. He had thrown away all his pride, which was normally so important to him, to meet Dream again today and look into his eyes.

But that was what counted in a relationship, right? Both sides making compromises? Although admittedly, it didn't feel like Dream had ever had pride in the first place, judging by how goofy and careless he acted around George.

"I..." Dream's voice stopped George's spiraling and the merman looked up to him.

This was the moment of truth. What would he say?

"I..." Dream swallowed hardly.

"Yes, George, I want to be in a relationship with you."

George couldn't believe what he was hearing. Of course, this was what he had hoped for, but it had seemed like a foolish illusion until now.

"Y-you do?!", he stuttered in surprise.

"Yeah." Dream smiled.

And in that second, the war, Skeppy, Bad, Karl, Quackity... nothing mattered anymore. He smiled. He smiled the way he had smiled at George before everything had gotten in their way, before his stupid mistake... before he had messed up.

Tears started forming in George's eyes and he didn't fight them back as launched himself at Dream, hugging him while being stuck in a weird mixture of laughing and crying.

It was over.

Of course, none of the problems were solved yet, but they would they would find ways to solve them. Together.

Dream couldn't hold back his laughter either as he embraced George and spun him around, wrapping his arms and tail around him tightly.

A merman and a siren.

Two kingdoms, two princes, one war.

And... one love story.

Who would have known? Maybe there actually was something like destiny.

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