chpt 1

621 17 0

Its been a long and hot day in canada . you cant wait to see your best friend , justin .hes been busy recording his newest album , believe .you havent seen justin in for ever and your so excited to pick him up from the airport. justins flight comes in at 8:00 pm. its 5:00pm right now . you decide to take a quick shower . you change into a long purple sweater and jean shorts .you grab your keys and head out the door . you hopinto your car and on your way to the airport you pick you ryan B. when you arrive to ryans house you honk the car and ryan comes walking out "Ryan hurry up!! run" you yell . ryan starts to run and jumps into your car . "whats the rush? its only 5:42pm , justins flight doesnt come intil 8:00pm. ' ryan says "theres a thing called traffic." you reply "yeah whatever .your just excited to see your boyfriend." he says ."hes not my boyfriend" you say "he can be . when are you going to tell justin how you actully feel about him?" ryan asks . "Never, i dont even know if he likes me as more then a friend . beside, i dont want to ruin justin and selenas relationship hes so happy with her." you say you pull up to the airport and park your car at the entrance .

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