Chpt 107

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"Hi." you softly say while leaning back on the counter. "How do you like the party?" Chris asks. "It's really fun. Thanks for inviting me and Justin." you reply. "No problem." Chris says. He came closer to you so he was standing right in front you. He smelled like cigarettes and liquor. "So how long have you and my boy been dating?" Chris says placing his right hand on the counter that you were leaning against so he's leaning towards you. You back your head away in a non obvious way so he won't get offended. "About two months." you say nervously. "That's nice. Ya know, I saw you dancing out there. You kinda turned me on." Chris says getting closer to your face. Your hands begin to feel sweaty from being nervous. "Chris. Your drunk." you say softly. Chris pays no attention to what you were saying and leans into your face, pressing his lips on yours. You try to push him away but he pulls you in harder kissing you roughly. You struggle to get out of his arms. He begins to stick his tongue down your throat which made you want to vomit. "Hey!" Justin yells from across the kitchen. Still not caring about anything, Chris continues to forcefully kiss you. You hear running coming towards you and Justin pushes Chris off of of you. Chris fumbles to the floor because he was so drunk. Justin faces you and puts his hand on your cheek. He caresses your cheek, "Are you okay?" Justin asked worriedly. You nod your head while looking at the floor. Justin's face turned red of anger and faced Chris who slowly got up from his fall. "What the fuck man!" Justin yells walking towards Chris. All Chris did was smirk. "You think this is funny!?" Justin yells. Chris just gazes stupidly at Justin. He might not even hear anything cause of how drunk he was. "Lay your hands on my girl one more time! I dare!" Justin's yells with anger. "Shut up boy." Chris says slowly and tries to push past Justin. Justin pushes Chris back and swings his fist at Chris's face causing Chris to kneel on the floor. Justin walks over to you and grabs your hand as you both walk out the house.

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