chpt 27

154 7 0

As you walk down stairs, you notice your mom didn't come home from last night. You look in the living room and see Justin sitting on the couch watching t.v. You walk into the kitchen and look in the cabinets for some Advil. You grab the Advil container and pour two pills into your hand. You pick up a cup of water that was already on the kitchen counter and drink the pills down. You look out the kitchen window and notice that it's still gloomy and rainy. You sigh and walk to the living room. Justin sees you and pats the couch for you to sit by him. You laugh and sit next to him. Justin pulls you in closer so he can keep you warm. You and Justin are both watching Friends. After a few minutes of watching t.v you decide to bring up Selena. "So whats going to happen with and Selena?" you ask. "Nothing." Justin says in a serious voice. "Why'd you decide to go after me?" you ask. Justin took awhile to respond. "Your my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you." Justin says and kisses your forehead. Minutes passed and you and Justin are still cuddled on the couch watching t.v. You suddenly hear someone coming from the front door.

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