chpt 51

107 4 0

Justin has called over eight times trying to talk to you but you seem to ignore each call. You didn't want to talk to him. It was 6:41 pm on a Saturday afternoon. The only thing you did all day was go on the computer. Your were laying on your bed staring up at your ceiling until your mom knocked on your bedroom door. "Come in." you say. Your mom opens the door and smiles. "You have a visitor." she says and walks back downstairs leaving your bedroom door open. You get up from your bed and look into a mirror. You looked horrible. Your eyes were still puffy and you had your hair in a messy bun. You were wearing a long white shirt that went down to your thighs and a pair of boy shorts with long black knee high socks. You moaned at how horrible you looked and you walked out of your room. You walked to the front door and opened it. Your eyes became watery. It was Justin. You quickly tried to close the door but Justin blocked the door from closing with his foot. You opened the door slowly and looked into his eyes. You went outside and closed the door behind you. You turned around to face Justin. " *yn* I've been trying to talk to you. What's wrong?" Justin asks. Justin reaches out for your hand but you pulled it out of his reach. You looked at him with tears in your eyes. "How dare you come back." you say. "What?" Justin asks confused. "Ugh don't "what" me!" you yell. "How can you stand here thinking you didn't do anything! I went to the airport Justin." you say. Justin looks at you in guilt. "I saw you kiss Selena!" you yell. " *yn* I didn't kiss her!" Justin yells back. You look away in disgust. "She kissed me!" Justin screams. You look back at Justin and notice Justin's eyes filling up with tears. "Just go back with her...go with Selena. Cause you obviously still have feelings for her." you whisper. You walk back to your front door in tears. You open the door and get in. " *yn*." Justin says but you just close the door on him.

*yn* 's fairytale prt 1Where stories live. Discover now