chpt 7

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Ryan starts to set up the Twister game. "You guys can play, I'll just spin the arrow for you guys." Selena say. "Are you sure babe." Justin replies. "Yeah, I'm pretty tired from the flight anyways so." Selena says. "Alright. I'll go first." Ryan says. Selena spins the arrow. "Right hand green."Selena says. Ryan grunts and places his right hand on green. A few minutes passed and you, Ryan, and Justin are twisted up. "Left hand yellow." Selena says to Justin. You notice Justin is now facing you. Both of you guys are in a awkward position. "Hi." Justin says to you and smiles. "Hi." you reply and laugh. "I don't think I can hold much longer." Justin's says. "Same here." you reply. "Right foot red." Selena says to Ryan. You and Justin notice Ryan's ass is in both of your faces. Your face turns red from embarrassment. "Guys. If you smell something funky it's not me." Ryan says. You all laugh. Your knees begin to feel weak. You fall down and Ryan falls onto you and so does Justin. "Sandwich!" Justin yells. And Ryan and Justin begin to squish into you. You laugh. "Get off me!" you say. They get off you and Justin helps you up. "Okay. I'm going to bed. Good night guys." Selena says and kisses Justin's cheek. "Alright babe. Night." Justin replies. "Are you coming?" Selena says to Justin. "Nah not right now. I'm gonna hang with these guys for a little more." Justin says and winks at you.

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