chpt 12

174 9 0

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that happened!?" you say as you come in through Justin's front door of his house. You both start laughing non stop. Justin sees you guys and walks towards you and Selena smiling."Wow. You guys really hit off!" he says. He looks down and sees you both carrying dozens of shoppings bags. "Did you girls buy enough stuff?" Justin jokes. Selena laughs. "It was a sale today." Selena replies and kisses Justin on the lips. You look away pretending you didn't see anything. Well, you liked Selena the whole day up until now. Your phone starts to ring. You check to see who was calling, it was your mom. You press the ignore button and look up at Justin. "I guess it's time for me to go. Im glad we hung out. It was nice." you say and smile at Selena. "Thank you. I had fun." Selena replies. "I'll help you carry these bags to your car." Justin says and grabs the bags. You follow Justin and close the door behind you. You pop open the trunk and Justin places the bags inside. He closes the trunk and looks at you. "Thanks for hanging out with Selena. It means a lot to me." Justin says. "No problem." you reply and smile. "I'm glad I have you in my life." Justin says and kisses your cheek very softly. You begin to blush. "Goodnight." Justin says and walks inside his house.

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