Chpt 110

103 3 0

"Justin! Moshe is waiting for us in the car!" you yell. No response. You tap your combat boots on the ground impatiently. You walk over to a mirror that was hanging on the wall near the stairs. You wore dark blue jeans with a purple tank top and a white plain t-shirt that went over the tank top and your hair was neatly straightened. You walk back over to the front door opening it. You hear running coming down the stairs so you turn your head to Justin. He wore black pants, a white t-shirt, white supras, and a dark blue/gray letterman jacket that had a J knitted into the jacket. His hair was up and it made him look tens times hotter. He comes running towards you and asks, "How do I look?" You mumble and bite your bottom lip."Sexy." you say softy. You pull him close to you to try to kiss him but he pulls away. "We gotta go." Justin says winking at you. "Ugh now you want to rush to leave." you moan and you both walk out the door and into a huge black van that Moshe was driving. Inside the van was Dan Kanter and Justins back up dancers. "Whats up guys!" Justin says greeting everyone. You look up and you spot Alfredo. "Hello!" he says greeting you. "Hi." you reply with a smile. "So your Justin's special girl." Alfredo says winking at you. You smile and blush. Justin sits in the van all the way in the back and you follow him. Justin pats his lap for you to sit. You sit down on his lap sideways and Justin wraps his arm around you. The car moves and Moshe begins to drive towards NBC studios. You gaze out the window that was in front of you. Justin suddenly leans into your neck and begins to kiss it. You let out a soft giggle which caused you to cover your mouth with your hand. You turn to face Justin. The sun was beaming right at his face and made his eyes glow. You wrap your arms around Justin's neck and you quickly peck his lips trying to tease him. Justin leans in to kiss you but you back away. He giggles and tries to kiss you again but you refuse. You both laugh as Justin places his hands on your face pulling it towards his face. He pulls you in and gives you slobbery kisses all over your face. "Get a room!" someone yells from the front of the van.

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