chpt 49

121 4 0

Justin quickly pulled away from the kiss. "What are you doing Selena!?" Justin said in a angry tone. "Justin. I...I want you back." Selena said. "No! I'm with *yn* now!" Justin yells. "But i missed you Justin! I'm so sorry if I ever hurt you!" Selena says with tears in her eyes. Justin looks away disgusted. "I cant believe you right now..." Justin says in disappointment. Justin starts to walk away, but Selena grabbed a hold of his hand. Justin looked back at Selena and yanked his hand away and began to walk. You got into the passenger seat and Ryan got in the drivers seat. Ryan began to drive away. Your heart was broken. How could Justin kiss Selena? You can taste your salty tears that were streaming down your face. You lifted your legs up and layed your head onto them. You sat there crying out your eyes for 35 minutes until Ryan reached your house. You slowly lift up your head to look out the window. You were home. You look over to Ryan. "Thanks." you whispered. You tried to smile but it completely failed. Ryan smiles back at you and you get out the car. You open your front door and head directly to your room. Your mom  was in the living room watching t.v. She noticed you crying and got up after you. You opened your bedroom door and locked it. You walked to your bed and layed on it. You cried into one of your pillows. "Honey. Are you okay?" your mom asks from outside of your door. "Mom. Go away." you say. "What happened?" your mom asks worried. "Mom! Please just go." you say. You continued to cry in your pillow. Minutes passed but it felt like hours. You knew it was going to be a long night.

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