Chpt 79

98 3 0

After all the complications of getting into an airport, you and Justin finally arrive at Justin's gate. The airport was more quiet than it usually is. Justin grabs a whole bunch of snacks and drinks from the store in the airport and pays for them. You both carry back the stuff at a bench that was near Justin's gate. Justin sits down and you sit down next to him laying your head on his neck. Justin pulls out a box of Sour Patch Kids and starts to munch on them. Every now and then Justin would feed you one. You checked your phone and it was already 9:58 pm. You close your eyes thinking you only have a little more time with Justin. You try to open your eyes but you can't. You suddenly fall asleep on Justin. Minutes passed and you wake up. You look over at Justin to see him sleeping. You smile and then you suddenly hear a lady talking on the overcome. "Gate C will be coming in 10 minutes." Justin opens his eyes and then sits up. Justin stands ups. You stand up too and Justin pulls you close to him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a necklace. You gasp at how beautiful it is. You turn around and lift up your hair for Justin to put the necklace on. When he puts it on, you look down and notice a J-Shape filled with little diamonds. You look at Justin with watery eyes. You wrap your arms around his neck and you hug him so tight. You pull your head away and you both touch noses. "I love you so much no matter what." Justin whispers against your lips. "I love you too." you whisper. He leans in and touches your lips softly with his. Your stomach felt like fireworks."Planes boarding." the flight attendant said. You feel tears streaming down Justin's face as you both kiss. He pulls away letting go of your hand. Justin hands his boarding pass to the flight attendant and slowly walks into the tunnel to get in the plane. You watch him as he walks away. Justin turns around and lightly smiles. You lightly smile back as Justin begins to walk back into the plane.

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