chpt 149

74 2 0

When you hear the cabs car horn beep. You quickly run out the door, down the driveway, and out the gate. You werent even thinking of grabbing your phone or keys. You enter the cab and you told the cab driver the destination. The car started to drive and you watched out the window as Justins house got smaller and smaller. After what felt like thirty minutes of driving, the cab driver pulls up to a park. You thank the cab driver and you gave the money you owed them. You open the cab door and as soon as you stepped out, you noticed that the weather turned from happy sunshine to crappy dark clouds. "Perfect." You mumble as you close the cab door behind you. You start to walk through weeds and up small hills. A huge wind blows at you and it causes you to shiver. You walk through the park until you find the place you were looking for. You walk through some more tall weeds and the path was getting higher. When you reached the top, you gaze at the beautiful view. This is the place where you and Justin had a picnic together. It was a special place for you and Justin. You gaze into the view as tears started to fill your eyes. You slowly kneel down on the dusty dirt and you cover your hands with your face as you cry into them. You really wanted to be with Justin but you didnt want to leave Canada. Your mom. Your friends. Your family. You run your hands through the roots of your hair in frustration. "Why the hell are you crying?" You mumble to yourself. Justin had to suffer and lose everything just so he can be who he is today. You look down at your neck where you saw a J-shaped necklace dangling. You softly smile and touch the necklace that Justin gave you. Instead of thinking about the negative things of leaving Canada, think about the positive. You'll always get to see Justin in the morning with his sexy messy hair. His adorable laugh. His stupid cute moments. His warming hugs. His gentle kisses... You look up at the view again as you wipe your tears away.

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