chpt 147

71 3 0

After changing in a new set of clothes, you went downstairs to the kitchen. You went through the freezer and you pulled out a box of frozen waffles. You took four frozen waffles out and you placed them in the toaster. Two for you, two for Justin. Justin comes running down the stairs in a t-shirt and basketball shorts as soon as the waffles popped out of the toaster. You placed two waffles in a seperate plate and two waffles in another. You hand Justin his plate and he pecks your lips. "Thanks." Justin says walking over to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of syrup. Justin drowns his waffles in syrup and then passes you the bottle. You grab a fork from the kitchen drawer and you walk over to the kitchen table where you begin to eat. Justin sits beside you and eats as well. "Its nice out!" Justin says looking out the nearest window. You nod your head in agreement because your mouth was too full with waffles to say yes. You swallow down the waffles. "Lets go outside after this. In the backyard." You say. Justin nods his head. After washing the dishes, you and Justin walk out in the backyard. You brought along a blanket to lay on the grass. As you both reached the grass, you unfold the blanket and you sit on it. Justin takes off his shirt and you cuddle next to him. Justin pulls out his phone and puts it front of the both of you. You place one hand on Justins chest as you smile at Justins phone while it takes a photo. Justin pulls it towards him to look at the picture. Justin cooed. You giggle and lay down. Justin lays down with you and wraps his arm around you so you have support on your head. Justin lifts up his other arm and rests it behind his head. You close your eyes as you inhale the smell of nature

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