chpt 15

168 8 0

When you both reach the carnival on the boardwalk you and Justin decide to play the Ring Toss game. "Hello there. Would you like to play one game? If you get all five rings in, you can win this gigantic teddy bear." the worker says. "Want a teddy bear?" Justin says and grins. "Don't be so sure your going to win." you say and smile back. "Ohhh okay. Can I have five rings please." Justin says and hands over the money to the guy. You stand in silence as Justin attempts to make all five rings in. He didn't make not one ring in. You laugh. "Ahh come on." Justin says and grabs your hand. You can tell Justin's embarrassed, you think it's kinda cute. You both walk to the basketball hoops. "Wanna play?" Justin asks. "Alright, but your gonna lose." you say. Justin laughs and you both walk to the hoops. "Ready, Set, Go!" the machine said and you and Justin both grab a ball and start aiming it in the rim. You can see Justin is making a lot more in than you are. "3,2,1." the machine says and stops. Justin obviously wins. "Whatever." you say and stick your tongue out at him and walk away. Justin laughs and catches up with you putting his arm around your shoulder. You smile and begin to feel protected in his arms.

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