Chpt 77

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Justin grabs your hand and you both walk back into the house and outside to the backyard. Justin's family members kept grabbing you and whispering in your ear. They would whisper things like, "I knew you two would be together." or "Much better than Selena." You loved Justins family. You knew them since you were in diapers. It was 6:00 pm and people were leaving home. Justin's family and friends all gave him a big hug before they left because who knows when they'll see him again. Chaz and Ryan were the last people left from the party. "Bye. I'm gonna miss you." Chaz says. Justin and Chaz hug. "Love you man." Justin says. Chaz slowly walks over to Ryan's car and hop in the front passenger seat. It was Ryan's turn to say goodbye. Justin looks at Ryan and gives him a big hug. When they pull away, Ryan's eyes were watery. "Uhm...whos taking you to the airport?" Ryan asks. "I am." you reply. Ryan nods his head. "Alright. Bye bro." Ryan says. Ryan walks over to his car wiping his eyes. Ryan turns the car engine on and drives away. Justin turns to you and looks at you in the eyes. "My flight leaves at 11:00 pm." Justin whispers. "Okay." you whisper back. You start to get that funny feeling in your throat before you begin to cry. Justin grabs your face and kisses your forehead gently. "I'll see you later." Justin whispers. He pulls away from you and walks away towards his house. You look at Justin as he walks away and then you walk back into your house. You run upstairs into your room. You jump on your bed and you lay down with watery eyes. This is it. Justin's going to leave in a couple of hours. You look over to the corner of your room and spot a gigantic teddy bear that Justin had won for you at the carnival. You smile and more tears began to fill up your eyes.

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