chpt 8

181 11 2

"Guys, I'm gonna dip. I'll see you both later." Ryan says and winks at you. You look away immediately hoping Justin didn't see that. "Alright, night bro." Justin says and walks Ryan out the door. You finally get some alone time with Justin. You decide to sit on the couch while Justin locks the front door. Justin goes into the living room and sits right next to you. Justin places his arm around your neck and onto your shoulder. "So what has my girl been up to?" Justin says and smiles at you. "The usual." you respond. "Ohhh...any boys?" Justin jokes. "Nah." you reply. "Come on *yn* there has to be someone. I mean look at you. Your beautiful, talented, caring, sweet, smart, cute..." Justin says and looks into your eyes. You begin to blush. "Well, there is this one guy..." you say. "Really? Justin says curiously. "What's his name?" he says. "Uh uh. No way am I telling you!" you say laughing. "Come on!" Justin says. "So how are you and Selena?" you ask. Justin looks at you with a serious face. "You think you can just get rid of the subject by talking about me and Selena." Justin says. You both begin to laugh. Your eyes meet and you can't help but notice how beautiful his eyes are. "I think I should head home." you say and get up from the couch. Justin grabs your hand gently . "Stay." Justin says.

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