chpt 44

126 4 0

You feel anger building up in your chest. Your fists are clenched and down by your side. How can Justin secretly talk to Selena behind you back?You hear Ryan and Justin coming closer. You quickly run upstairs in Ryan's room and you lay back down. Ryan and Justin come in the room and see you still laying down. You pretend to wake up and you weakly smile at both of them. "Good morning." Justin jokes and smiles. "Can you take me home?" you ask Justin. "But it's only 7:42 pm" Ryan says. "I know. I'm sorry. But I'm really tired." you reply. "Yeah, I'll take you home." Justin says. You get off the bed and head to the front door. Justin follows behind you with Ryan. As you and Justin get out the house, Ryan waits by the door and waves good bye. Justin opens the front passenger door for you and you get in. He walks around the car and hops in the drivers seat. You look out the window while Justin drives to your house. Justin looks at you with a worried look. "What's wrong?" Justin asks. "Just tired." you reply still looking out the window. When Justin arrives at your house, you quickly open the door and get out. Justin gets out of the car as well and walks you to your door. When you both reach the front door, Justin wraps his arms around your waist. Justin leans in for a kiss but you quickly move your face in the opposite direction. "I'm really tired." you say in a "tired" voice. You get out of Justin's arms and you back away. "Goodnight." you say. You quickly kiss his cheek. You open your front door and you close it behind you without looking back at Justin.

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