chpt 9

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"I should really be heading home." you say. "*yn* it's 10: 58 pm. I'm not letting you drive at this hour." Justin says and looks at you with a serious face. You think its so cute how he worries about you. "Alright." you say. You quickly text your mom and say you'll be crashing at Justin's for the night. "Come back over here!" Justin says in a deep voice and motions you to him. You laugh. You have never met any boy that made you laugh as much as Justin did. You sit on the couch next to him. Justin moves you closer to him. He starts to play with the little piece of string hanging down from your shorts. "I missed you Justin." you say. Justin looks at you and smiles. "I missed you too." Justin replies. You lean your head on Justin's shoulder and he continues to play with the string from your shorts. "So are you going to tell me that kids name that you like?" Justin asks. "Nope." you say. "Didn't think so." Justin says laughing. You quickly check your phone to see if your mom replied from the text. She didn't. You then checked the time. It was 11:11 pm. You laugh in your head. You don't need to make a wish. Everything you want is sitting right beside you. You put your phone away and continue to lay on Justin's shoulder. Before you know it, your both sound asleep.

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