chpt 41

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You look away and look at Justin. "What's wrong?" Justin asks. "Nothing." you say and smile. "Do you want to share a chocolate milkshake?" Justin asks. "Sure." you reply. "Ryan what do you want?" Justin asks. "I'll have a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream in a cup." Ryan's says. Justin orders the ice creams and grabs them when there done. Justin hands over Ryan's ice cream and hands you the chocolate milk shake. You take a sip from the straw and pass it to Justin so he can take a sip too. You, Justin, and Ryan head to the car and get in. You obviously sit in the front with Justin. "You guys wanna hang out at my place for a little?" Ryan asks. You look at Justin and Justin nods. "Yeah buddy! Gonna play some video games!" Justin yells in excitement. You laugh and look out the window. You notice a CVS coming up. "Justin can we stop at CVS really fast? I want to buy something." you say. "Sure." Justin says. Justin pulls up to the entrance of CVS and you grab your bag and hop out. As you enter CVS you go to the magazine section. You grab the same exact magazine you saw the little girl have in the ice cream shop and you head to the cashier. You pay for the magazine and hop back into the car. "What did you get?" Justin asks.You dig in the bag and take out a Tiger Beat magazine. Justin laughs and says, "You still look at those?" You look at Justin until he notices the caption saying, "No more Jelena." Justin looks at you and starts to drive away towards Ryan's house. "What does it say?" Justin asks.

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