chpt 156

73 2 0

In the morning, you wake up to the sound of footsteps pacing back and forth. You peek your eyes open and you see Justin all dressed. "Good morning." You say. Justin looks at you and smiles. He walks over to you and bends down so that your eye level was the same. "I have to go with Scooter somewhere. I'll try to be back as soon as possible, okay?" Justin says. You smile and nod your head. Justin smiles back and kisses your forehead. He stands back up and pats his pocket. "I have to go Moshe is waiting for me outside. Oh and I called up the gardeners and there going to stop by at 2:00 to clean up the mess you made." Justin says smiling. "Correction. The mess WE made." You say. Justin lets out a chuckle. "Alright, bye." Justin says and walks out the bedroom door. "No goodbye kiss!" You yell. Justin walks back into the room and and walks over to you. He leans down over you. He licks his lips and kisses you on the lips. You wrap your arms around his neck as you continue to kiss him. Justin backs away from the kiss and tries to move but your arms hold him down. "Babe. I have to go." Justin says. "Fine!" You say releasing him. Justin kisses you one last time. "Brush your teeth." Justin says against your lips and smiles. You blush and you push him away. Justin laughs as he runs out the bedroom door and down the stairs. "Love you!" Justin screams from the front door. "Love you too!" You yell back and you hear the front door close. You breathe into your hands to smell your breath. "I dont have bad breath..." You mumble as you get up from the bed and walk into the bathroom to brush your teeth.

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