chpt 10

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Your sound asleep until you hear Jazzy running towards you on the couch. She kisses you on the cheek and smiles. "Good morning *yn*" Jazzy says. You sit up and notice Justin isn't on the couch with you anymore. "Good morning Jazzy!" you respond. Pattie then walks in the living room. "Oh. Good morning *yn*. I didn't know you slept over." Pattie says. "Justin didn't want me to drive late at night." you reply. "How sweet of him. You can borrow one of the toothbrushes in the bathroom under the cabinet if you want. Don't worry there not used." Pattie says laughing. You smile and get up from the couch and you head to the bathroom to clean yourself up. When you finish, you head to the kitchen. You notice Justin and Selena had woken up as well. "Heyy. Good morning." Justin says in his sexy morning voice. "Good morning." you reply and smile. "After breakfast Selena is going to go shopping for some clothes. Do you want to join her?" Justin asks. You look at Selena and she seems to enjoy the idea. "Yeah that'd be great!" you reply. "My two favorite girls going shopping together! How cute!" Justin jokes and grabs both of you into a group hug. What a great way to start off your day.

*yn* 's fairytale prt 1Where stories live. Discover now