chpt 144

71 3 0

"One Direction!" Demi says into the microphone. You kinda have a disappointed look but you still clapped to be respectful. You look over at Justin who was applauding them. "Its okay. Your still a winner." You whisper into his ear. He smiles at you and he locks his fingers with yours. Before you know it, the VMA's was over in a snap of a finger. Justin stands up and stretches. You stand up with him and you fix your dress. "Wanna get going?" Justin asks. You nod in reply. You link arms and you both walk up the aisle to the exit. After walking all the way back to where you started, you spot Moshe waiting by the limo. Moshe pats Justins back as Justin gets into the limo. You softly smile at Moshe and you get in the limo as well. You scoot next to Justin as Moshe closes the door after you. "Justin, are you upset?" You ask. "No not at all." Justin says looking at you. "Im not always going to win." Justin says. You nod your head in agreement. "Then turn that frown upside down." You say as you lift up both sides of Justins lips with your thumb and pointer finger. Justin chuckles and pushes your fingers away. You smile and you pucker your lips. Justin puckers his lips too and touches his lips with yours. You lift your legs up onto the seat next to you and you rest your head on Justins shoulder. Justin wraps his arm around you and kisses the top of your head. You close your eyes for what felt like three minutes. "Babe." Justin says softly. You open your eyes and you notice the car had stopped. "We're here." Jusfin says. You lift up your head from Justins shoulder and you put your legs down from the seat. You scoot over to the car door and you fling it open. You step out and Justin follows behind you. You walk up the front steps and to the front door of the house. You open your purse and you pull out a spare key that Justin gave you and you open the door. You turn around to wave Moshe goodbye. Moshe waves back and walks over to Justin. "I'll meet you inside." Justin says. You nod your head and you close the door behind you. You reach down for your heels and you slip them and you start to walk up the stairs and into Justins bedroom.

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