Chpt 85

111 3 0

After the delicious breakfast Justin made for you, you both take a shower and get dressed for the day. Your all ready for the day and your just waiting for Justin at the front door. "Justin!" you yell from downstairs. "I'll be down in five okay baby!" Justin yells from his room. You sigh and you lean on the front door. Suddenly you hear someone knock on the front door. You turn around and you peek through the window to check who was knocking on the door. Moshe. You gulped and opened the front door for Moshe. Moshe walks in awkwardly and stands next to you. "Hello." you say. "Hello." Moshe replies. You look down at the ground thinking how embarrassing it is since he saw you and Justin last night. After a few minutes, Justin comes walking down the stairs. "What's up Moshe!" Justin says and goes in for a handshake. "Man, I'm sorry you had to see that last night." Justin says whispering. "Justin." you say in embarrassment and you grab his hand and you all walk out the front door. Moshe enters the drivers seat and you and Justin sit in the back seat. After a couple minutes of driving, Moshe pulls up to a Subway. "What kind of sandwich do you want?" Justin asks. You look at him curiously and you give him your order. Justin hops out of the car and you try to follow him, but he stops you. "I'll be fast." Justin says closing the car door. Minutes passed and Justin comes back into the car with the sandwiches. "Justin, where are we going?" you ask suspiciously. "Its a surprise." Justin says smiling at you.

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