chpt 153

67 3 0

Four days have passed and theres only three days left until Justin Believe tour. The past four days, Justin has skipped every meeting and rehearsals just so he can spend as much time with you as possible. Tonight was another "stay at home night" with you and Justin. "What are we doing tonight?" You ask. "Uhh..." Justin says as he scrolls through his iPhone. "You know what, I have an idea." You say. Justin continues to look through his phone. "Babyy, can I borrow your car?" You say sweetly. "For?" Justin asks while looking at you. "I need to go pickup something from the store." You reply. "What?" Justin asks raising his eyebrow at you. "Girl stuff." You say. Justin looks at you weird. "Ew. Okay, but your not taking my batmobile." Justin says. You scoff. "Fine." You reply. Justin digs through his pocket and hands you the keys to his Range Rover. "I'll be back in five." You say kissing Justins cheek. You walk out the front and towards the Range Rover. You get in, start the engine, and drive out the gate. You drive to the nearest Walgreens. You park the car in a parking lot when you find one. You run into the store and you walk towards the arts and craft section. You get a box of different color paints and you pay for them. After you finish paying, you walk back to the car and you drive back to Justins house. When you arrived "home", you parked the car in the driveway. You fling open the car door and you grab the bag of paints. You walk up the front steps and into the house. "Babe! Come outside!" You yell as you walk outside to the backyard with the paint. You take the paints out of the bag and you break open the box they were in. You grab a blue colored paint bottle and you opened it up. "What?" Justin asks walking over to you. Justin looks down at the paint bottle you were holding and looks back at you. "Babe...whatever your thinking. Dont do it." Justin says stepping back slowly. You smile and suddenly pour blue paint all over Justins shirt.

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