::6:: Natsu Devours A Village

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Alzack and Bisca look down at the footprints, "This footprint... There's no mistake about it.

It's already been two days since they passed from here."

"That's plenty of time to reach Magnolia. I wonder if something happened to them?"

"Anyway, let's go back and report this."

"We're not going after them?"

This woman is Bisca Moulin. And this man is Alzack Connel. Both of them are Fairy Tail mages.

They go back to the guild and a worried Mirajane replies, "I see. This is troubling."

she then continues "And we've received a notice from the Council, too"

Bisca looks at her, "Well, I was planning on going after them, but..." Alzack interrupts by saying, "No, we couldn't. That path went deep into Clover Canyon. Even experienced hunters from Hunter Guilds can't get out once they lose their bearings." "A great natural labyrinth, huh? Why would they head there?" Mirajane looks at both and says, "They must have had a reason." But, Master is with them, so it shouldn't be a problem."


Happy approaches a cliff and Lucy then begins rant, "Come on, Happy! You're lost again, aren't you? We've been walking and walking, but we haven't reached Magnolia yet! You dull-direction-sensed cat!"

This place is known as Web Valley because of its countless fissures from an ancient earthquake. As was mentioned before, it is said that a great number of souls have gotten lost here, never to return.

Happy yells at her, "How rude! I never got lost before. This is the first time."

"I don't care if it's your first time or your last; the fact is, we're lost!"

Natsu begins to whine, "I'm starving..."

Gray glares at him "Stop reminding me! It's only making me hungrier!"

"Well I'm hungry and that's that!"

They soon begin to bicker,"Then stop going on about it, already!" but soon Makarov joins in, "Indeed I'm hungry!"

They look at him, "Not you, too!"

Erza yells at them, " Enough." and then her stomach growled.

They all stand on the side and look at her with wide eyes, "Your stomach just went "gu"...."

She then quickly says, "It did not. You're hearing things." Asami looks at her and mutters, "Liar" while Gray says, "N-Nice cover-up there." Then Happy and Haru begin to cry out with excitement while looking down, "Why are you shouting?" "Natsu, look at that!"

The wizards all look down to see the flying fish calling out, "I can fly!" "You can fly!"

"Can you fly?"

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