I'm Not You, Bethany

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My hands starts to shake as I raise the gun at Bethany.

Her face pales as she watches me.

I pull the trigger.


The bullet hits her in the shoulder and she falls on the ground screaming as she clutches onto her wound.

It hurts to be shot. I know the feeling since she was the one that sent someone to kill me when I was at Knox's place.

I walk over to her and kneel next to her. "I'm not you, Bethany. I'm going to let you live." I push the barrel into her wound and she starts screaming from the pain.

I love the sound of her screaming. It makes her seem weak to what she normally puts out for the world to see.

I look into her eyes and say. "I'm going to let you live, but you won't be a free woman. You're going to be locked up for a long time. I hope in that time you can heal from whatever shit you're dealing with."

Evan, Shawn, Brad and Whitney look at me as I move the barrel from her wound.

Evan walks over to me and he looks at me. "Are you okay?"

"Really? That's all you've got to say Evan? No, I'm not okay. You didn't have my back when I needed you the most. You let your ex girlfriend manipulate you."

Bethany looks at Evan and says. "She had a miscarriage. You can be with me now."

I didn't want Evan to know about the pregnancy. I was going to tell him when I was ready.

Evan grabs my arm. "Are you pregnant?"

I nod.

He looks over at Bethany. "How could you do this to the only girl I've ever loved?"

She holds her hand out to him. "You loved me once Evan. You can't deny it."

He sighs. "A part of me loved you, but you didn't own my heart like Ariana does. She's always been the girl I want to be with. I didn't want to hurt you when you asked me out, so I said yes. I never had the guts to ask Ariana to be my girlfriend and when I did have the guts you were around the corner making our lives miserable, Bethany." He looks at her stomach. "I know you're pregnant with you're managers child. You should be happy that you got the one thing you couldn't get from me."

She shakes her head. "I want you, Evan."

In the distance I hear sirens approach the property and I walk over to Hans.

He wraps his arms around me. "I'm going to take you back to the hotel to get changed."

"Thank you."

Hans and I walk over to the car with Knox.

As I climb into the car I hear Evan say. "Where are you taking her?"

"To the hospital." Knox tells him. "She doesn't want to see you right now." He looks at my brothers and adds. "You all screwed up by not helping Ariana. You led her to danger that she should have never dealt with. It's going to be hard for her to get over the betrayal of all of you. You were important people in her lives. What are your parents going to say when they learn the truth of what you all did to the person you claim you love unconditionally?" He doesn't wait for them to answer as he slides into the car next to me.

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