(SNO) "Hunter"

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Bryan pov

'I hate this so much!' I think/shout to myself, as I look out to the castle across the lake, it's swarming in monsters. 'I need to get that relic, but why must there be so many monsters?' I think as a sigh escapes me, standing up from my crouch position i turn to Helios and say "Helios stay here I don't want you to get hurt." "Alright Bryan but only if you stay safe." he responds in his deep calming voice, I nod and turn back toward the castle. I pull out my pouch and pull out different weapons I'm going to need to defeat the monsters, "Water gun for the witch shadows, gold/bronze mixed bullets for the cyclops, holy water for the demons, acid bottles for the eye watchers, and enchanted nether sword for the haunted armor." I say as I place them on my person. I then head through the water to mask my scent as well and my appearance form the monsters. I jump out of the water as a cyclops passes striking it dead, I do this for every monster as I make my way through the castle, soon enough I reach the treasure room.

"There it is, the Eye of Wander's Castle" I whisper to myself in awe, I slowly make my way to it, wary of traps. Oddly enough I reach there with nothing 'Strange in all of the castles I've been in there has been traps in the treasure room, be it only like one or two but they were a deadly one or two.' I think to myself as I reach out for the eye. "Bryan?" I freeze, arms stretched out, as my name is called I turn my head and see everyone, and by everyone I mean everyone, Alpha, Xylo, Marshie, Relanea, Brick, Jackson, Mitch, Colin, Marcus, Brandon, Lucas, Pierre, Michael, Daveed, Pat, Kay, even those other werewolves and their hybrid friends, behind me. My eyes widen and my jaw slackens, "Bryan?" again my Alpha calls my name. 'I should have known something was up' i think angrily 'Xylo never is interested in treasure hunting unless he is the one who has the relic.' "yes?" I ask out loud turning to them. "Where did you learn to fight like that?" my Alpha questions me, "I-" I clamp my hands over my mouth to stop myself from speaking, my werewolf side trying to tell Alpha my secret.

"Bryan!?" my pack calls out, shocked that I would try to defy the Alpha by keeping my mouth shut, I shake my head refusing to remove my hands from over my mouth. The strange werewolf pack laughs and the one with ginger hair says "Having trouble with your own pack? Wow, if you were a True Alpha you wouldn't have this problem." My Alpha glares at him then at me and says "Bryan, i asked you a question, as your Alpha I expect an answer." My wolf side is screaming at me to answer but my human side doesn't want to be alone again so is forcibly staying quiet. Pain thunders in my head as I struggle to stay silent, my body starts to shake and everyone is waiting for me to break. In my blind pain/panic I see Jackson mouth 'Run' and that's what I do, I run hands still over my mouth. None were expecting me to run so I got by them quickly, I rush out of the castle. I run for hours, I'm running away from the pain, the panic, the pack, the vampires, everyone and everything, just trying to get away from it all. I make it to a forest and collapse in agony, lungs burning, my legs feel like jelly, and tears have streaked my face, I finally remove my hands from my face, and just lay there sobbing and hating my existence. I hear flapping and freeze sucking in a sob. "Bryan?" I hear a small voice say, I look up and see a little bat "W-who are y-you?" my voices hiccups, as I ask since I can't smell because it is stuffed from me crying. A poof and in front of me is Jackson, "Are you alright?" he asks sitting down next to my head, I sob out "N-no!" my head falls back down to look at the grass as I begin to cry once more. He hums and says "I know what it's like to keep secrets from friends and family." My arms push me up and i stare at him, "You do?" I question. "Yep, I do live with the vampires and my life before I became a vampire is something they don't know about." he says looking at me, "How about I tell you, if you tell me, that way we can share in each other's secrets and work together to keep them that way." I nod and say "I can do that, but please hate me when I tell you." "Alright." I turn to sit in a normal position, take a deep breath and say "I'm a Hunter." "Yes? Your a treasure hunter?" I smile softly "No I mean an actual Hunter." he doesn't say anything, so I look at him, his eyes are wide, and his jaw is slack. "You are Supernatural Hunter?" he asks, I nod and turn my head so my eyes cast downward. He wraps his arms around me and says "Well it would seem we have similar pasts." I tilt my head to look at him. "I was, in a, let's call it a bounty war, amongst Supernatural Hunters." he explains, "I was just traveling around the forest near my home when I heard a commotion, walking over to the noise I saw two Hunters attacking each other over a hurt vampire that was behind them." He sighed "I snuck over to the vampire and helped him escape and well the Hunters weren't happy about that, so they tried to kill me but the vampire took away, but sadly i died as the vampire was flying, so when he landed, he brought me back as a vampire." I stare at him then hug him back, I then say "I was in the midst of running away from my abusive father, who was also my teacher on how to be a Hunter, when i heard a fight in the woods. I snuck over and saw it was a vampire and a werewolf, and I thought :If I kill them then father would be proud of me and wouldn't hurt me anymore: it was a dumb thought but i still pulled out my stake crossbow and took aim at the vampire. I let it loose and it struck true the vampire fell dead, the werewolf grew angry and looked for me, which he quickly did, and went to attack me I led him to a ravine I knew of, knowing I could knock him in and leave him there since there was no exit. The plan backfired, because as the werewolf charged he bit my shoulder and I stabbed his stomach and threw him into the ravine. Pain coursed through my veins as the werewolf transformation began, and so I ran. That was until I met up with the other newly bit werewolf and Alpha decided to confront us and got us in the pack." "Wow," he says "we seem to have horrible backstories." I let out a small laugh "Yeah, it seems we do." That's when the wind changes and i smell everyone, my eyes widen and I shoot off Jackson and turn to look at them all. Alpha comes forward and says "Bryan, you could have just told us we wouldn't have hated you for what you did, but it would have been nice to know that you could fight even kill us, if we got on your bad side." I look down and my tail goes between my legs. I feel a hug envelop me and i freeze "Calm down you silly wolf it's just me" i hear Alpha say and relax soon all of my pack joins in the hug. I see through the cracks of the hug that Jackson is getting the same treatment with the Vampires of Mythspire. I can't help but smile, knowing that no matter where I came from, that my pack, or should I say family, will always be there for me.

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