A.J. and The What?

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(GalaxyShippingGirl, allowed me to use her characters, at ty for the photo)

Outside pov

The worlds have all been doing their best to stop ^The Darkness^ but it never seems to be enough, it's been a year since the kids have been seen, and they are greatly missed. The worlds are having a cook-out since for some odd reason the Atlantide sun doesn't affect the vampires and they've never had a cook-out. All are having a blast and enjoying a moment of peace when a portal appears, they all put up their guard, but lower it when a familiar face steps out. "A.J.?" the Bryan's all ask in sync she smiles and says "Hey, guys." the Bryan's rush her giving her a hug then pull back fear in their eyes "Are the kids oaky?" Flame asks terrified, A.J. laughs "Yes, yes they're perfectly fine, that's not why I'm here." the Bryan's sigh in relief "So why are you here then?" Serpent asks. A.J. steps to the side and 10 girls step out of a portal, "Wha?" the worlds say in sync confused, "These are a group of girls from another dimension, they call themselves The Bean Protectors, they are hand picked from old friends of mine, Vanna and Sakura, i mean. They were once Guardians but then they couldn't stand just protecting one person so turned vigilante and choose normal humans to help them protect all." we nod and one of the girls turns into a koala and hugs everyone, then we are attacked.

(bean protector povs)

Sora/Auto pov

We were fighting the supposed ^Darkness^, Sakura and Vanna sent us to help their old friend A.J., who's world or worlds were in danger of it. I growl as my eyes flare with pain, still having trouble from Mom stopping mine and Galaxy's fight yesterday, and I strike the blurry appearance of a Cyclops with (weapon of choice.....What weapon do i use Galaxy!?) then i jump back hearing Mom shout a warning. I blink clearing my sight ever so slightly and see Galaxy about to get struck but she's too busy yelling at the sky about......breaking the fourth wall? I jump and knock her to the side she growls and looks to see who pushed her, she growls harder when she sees me "Sora. Get off of me." I sigh, and get up, we're behind a piece of ruble i look around the edge and see the bad guys are all close together and i come up with a plan, I turn to Galaxy, "Galaxy we need to fuse." she whips her head to me "Like H#%%, i'd do that! Not with you!" she says angry, i sigh and say "Galaxy i get you're upset that I wrecked your favorite book, but put that aside right now and please help me! My eyes can only work on one person at a time, but with you they could work on many people and who i choose." she huffs at me, and i beg "Please Galaxy if we don't do anything we'll have the heads of all these Beans on our head!" she sighs and relents "Fine we fuse but once the bad guys are down, we un-fuse and go back to me not liking you." I smile and say "I'm okay with that." Then we fuse, and for some odd reason shout "I AM GALORA!!!"

Galaxy pov

I let Sora in control cause she knows how to control her eyes better than I do, but I notice Sora has left her mind open for me to explore. I enter her mind, I look around and see her mind is hardwired like a computer, "Huh? No wonder we call you Auto." then i see something I wasn't expecting, beyond the computer's is a small door, I quickly open it and go through it. When i enter i'm shocked in the center of the room is a faceless male and Sora dressed in royal attire, dancing and Sora is singing softly to the tune in the background, the song is a love song, memories of the Bean Protectors surround her dancing as well and that's when I realize Sora wears a mask. She always calls things we do crazy, and that we shouldn't bother her with silly things when she has to make all of our gadgets, but in truth she's happy to have found friends and is happy to be with us, as well as she likes to dress up like a princess "Oh I am so going to tease you about this Auto." I say evilly, then i feel ourselves un-fusing so i reenter my head. I look around and see that the bad guys are all on the ground tears in their eyes, whispering apologies over and over again. Auto lets out a shudder then falls over, i catch her "Easy, Auto." I say, she isn't wearing her mask and i can see tears streaking her cheeks, "i don't think i can use my eyes for awhile. I used them for two days in a row, and dear word they hurt!" she says, I laugh and pull out an extra bandana and tie it around her head. "Thanks Galaxy." she says and I nod "No problem." Mom rushes over and makes sure the both of us are alright, to which we are, drained a bit, but okay.

Outside pov

The Bean Protectors bid us goodbye and we all do as well, TaliClaire turns into a Koala once more and hugs everybody, again, then they walk through and are gone, A.J. says her goodbyes and leaves as well. The cook-out resumes and everybody enjoys themselves, villians now defeated and gone, except for Eden, Springtrap, Maxwell, and Lucan, they somehow escaped before Galora was able to take the bad guys down.

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