(SDS) Wrong Type of "Lust"

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Ritchie pov

'Finally!' I think as I walk away from the other three sins. 'Thank magic, im finally free,' i continue my thoughts, 'now I can stop acting like a love struck fool, and focus on my main mission.' I quickly leave the little village we lived in, and head toward my goal. 'They all thought i was going on those dates because of my sin, ha! Serves them right for never learning the truth about me.' I raise my head when a shadow falls over me, only to see it's nightfall. 'I should break for the night' i think stopping to survey the area, I nod, deciding that this is as good as any place to camp.

(Time skip to morning)

'Alright, time to go.' I think as i finish packing what little things i have. Rushing through the trees, i quickly am greeted by a pristine wall, I grin knowing I've reached my destination. I pull out my cloak and put it on to blend in with the locals. Slipping inside was simple, now to search the minds of theses followers of ^Him^, let's see who knows of the deeds ^He's^ done. Searching through their minds I slaughter those who do know and just turn a blind eye, those who don't know, i let go free. I do this all the way to the spire of the fortress, where i can sense ^His^ dark mind, knocking on the doors in a pattern i picked up from one of the guards, I smirk as ^He^ tells me to come in. I open the door a stroll in, ^His^ mind goes from content to fearful, feeling the dark aurora waves rolling off of me. "Why hello, it's been too long hasn't it? Professor Gerald?" (No offense if that's your name just the first thing that came to my mind) ^His^ eyes widen "W-who are you?" i grin wickedly and say while lowering my hood "Why don't you remember you dear pupil Ritchie?" ^His^ fear skyrockets "Ritchie!? I thought I had my men kill you!" "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Professor. Don't you know you can only know a job's done if you do it yourself?" I continue, grin still on my face, ^His^ face becomes stone but ^His^ mind is an open book, fear, and I love it. "I do indeed. Now let me finish this." ^He^ yanks ^His^ sword from its sheath and charges at me, I easily knock the sword away and pin ^Him^ to the floor "H-how!?" ^His^ eyes wide. "I've got a new title now, Ritchie the Sin of Lust." i tell, ^His^ heartbeat picks up, "But, what no one got was that, my lust isn't sensual, it's Bloodlust." I finish. My grin grows as ^His^ fear all but clouds ^His^ mind and so i whisper in ^His^ ear "Rot in Tartarus, you monster." and slit ^His^ throat. I watch ^Him^ die and speak what's on my mind "This is what you deserve for slaughtering my best friend Austin, and all because he refused to partake in your ways of Dark Arts." ^He^ lets out a choked garble then is dead. I let my head fall back sighing, finally feeling the Bloodlust fade and the true power of the Sin of lust take hold, my mind brings the image of Michael to mind and I hum happily, and send a mental farewell to the three Sins I knew, before completely closing any link between them and leave the spire not leaving a single trace of me being there.

Michael pov

It had been 24 hours since Ritchie had left and Brandon, David and myself were all partying a bit, when all of a sudden I get a telepathic message from Ritchie 'Sorry guys, but i don't think we'll be seeing each other ever again.' we all look to each other to see if the other had gotten the message. We all freeze when Ritchie's power, the Sin of Lust, vanishes, eyes widen and we all are in shock, "Did Lust-boy jus?" Davis asks. "Die? I believe he just did." Brandon finishes as well as answers the question, my eyes start to water and both of them rush to my side, both knowing that, since i was a demon, he was my chosen Mate. I collapse in pure pain and sadness, upset that I had pushed him away when i should have welcomed him, but now it's too late.

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