A/N (Sad)

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One of my favorite songs is "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback (listen to it if you never have please)

One of my favorite quotes is from Optimus Prime "The greatest weakness of humans is their hesitancy to tell others how they feel about them before its to late"

Don't be one of the people who don't tell others how they feel about them, it can lead to much sadness when they go.

Y'all are probably wondering why I'm telling you all this, well for the past few years my family visits a nursing home every (it was Wednesday but we changed it) Tuesday, and well my mom made friends with one of the staff, well the staff member called my mom not to long ago and told us that one of the residents had died this morning. 

My little sister loved this resident, she would light up when we would go, both my sister and the resident, she (the resident) loved my little sister so much that she tried to change her will to give everything she had to my sister, everything! but the resident's daughter didn't let her, I could care less about that she didn't get it. What is making my heart cry out is that she tried, it was her dying wish and she was denied the wish.

I lost my grand mother years ago but every time I remember the night she died I always want to cry, but that's because the people we love will always be in our hearts. So if you get the chance to tell someone you love them, do it then not in 5 minuets, not in an hour, then. Because you never know when you'll get, if ever, to see them again.

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