The Return of The BP's

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(Requested by GalaxyShippingGirl, she doesn't like me hurting the Beans so she had me do this also if i don't type for a bit then Galaxy is in the process of killing me, wish me luck)

(P.S. I'm evil, and the pic above is Evil Galaxy, she made her herself)

Outside pov

It's a normal day, the demons of the supernatural world are reprimanding their boss for keeping their pain to himself when the devil slayer's magic is used. The Devil slayers, apologize for the trouble they've caused, the Dragon slayers find the whole thing funny, a couple of the demigods are laughing alongside the dragon slayers, the rest are ignoring the whole thing. When a magic portal opens up, everyone raises their guard, only to lower it when A.J. walks in dragging two women behind her, the Bean Protectors follow behind "Come on Sakura and Vanna! You have to meet my charges!" the two women look rather annoyed but are smiling nonetheless. They reach the Bryan's and soon the two women are introduced to everyone, to which all the Bean Protectors, Sakura, Vanna, and A.J. fan out and just talk.

Emily pov (yes i did you Emily)

I was hanging out with the Bryan's as is Ash, Mom is hanging out with the Mario's and Galaxy is over trying not to fangirl over Mama Michael. Auto is hanging out with Jazmena, the others are off talking to who knows who, while Lady Sakura and Lady Vanna (idk just makes them sound more powerful) are speaking with A.J. about something. Auto comes over to me and whispers "Hey Emily? I think I saw something, can you follow me?" I nod and we walk off. We keep walking when Auto stops by the SNO world's area, she whispers "There." and points I look and see a.....wisp? "Is that a wisp?" I ask confused, Auto nods "yeah let's see if it's on friendly or enemy terms with us." she whispers before drawing her warglaives and sneaks over, masking our sound. When we are right behind the wisp we here it whispering "Then the two hear the wisp whispering to itself in a female voice.....and you two are behind me, aren't you?" Auto drops the sound magic and says "yeah." raises one of her warglaives to the wisp, "start talking who are you? what are you? Which side are you on? And why are you here?" the wisp glows and there stands a girl, "I'm @!&#@^)(@ (I spelled my name using the symbols above the numbers, cause my computer doesn't have WingDings T-T) but i'm known and Auto. I'm an author. No side and Every side. I'm here because I make this world possible." the wisp girl says, we hear a yell, and she says "Oh, it appears my hands are still working when my mind is distracted. You two better go help the Beans, and your Protector family." then with a wave she's gone and we rush to the guild hall of the United Front.

Auto pov

When we get there we see a strange looking person, she is tearing things apart, it looks like she's looking for something, me and Emily run over to Mom, and Emily asks "What's happening?" Mom answers "This thing came from another portal and is looking for Auto." looking at me my eyes widen, and i think 'could this thing want me or the wisp we saw that said she's known as Auto?' i shake my head, and whisper "I could care less who its after we need to protect the Beans, and our family." Mom and Emily both nod and we jump into the fight.

Alpha pov (Mom is included now!)

As we fight i keep a close eye on all of my kids, and the beans, so far no one has gotten to badly hurt and if they have Lo'pho and OoO Bryan and Auto has gotten them back on their feet quickly. I hear a roar and see the creature has finally spotted Auto, my eyes widen as i see it charge her, she freezes, fear clear in her eyes, when SCP Mario appears out of nowhere and takes the hit for Auto. He hits the floor and doesn't move, he doesn't come back like i know he can and then it hits me 'A.J. said that all the worlds were put into Atlantide. SCP Mario hasn't died yet so no one knows if he respawns in this world.' anger enters me and i go full on Momma Mode. I charge at the creature and fight it down to its knees "TALK! WHAT ARE YOU!?" I yell and it laughs "Oh silly me, Name's Galaxy....I come from another world, I'm an Author and i came here to kill Auto, because of what she's done." then she grabs her chest right over her heart and a glowing teather appears then a portal and she's yanked into the portal yelling "NOO!!!! I WAS SO CLOSE!!!" when she's gone I rush over to SCP Mario. I feel for a pulse, there's none, horror enters my body and I slump to the floor "We failed." I whisper. "Mom?" Galaxy asks I let out a sob "WE FAILED! HE'S DEAD!" I shout letting my tears fall, "No." I hear all my children whisper, "It's all my fault." I hear Auto say, she sounds so broken, and anger enters my mind, 'No one makes my kids feel broken on my watch.' and I gather my magic. I growl and force my magic into SCP Mario, his body spasms but i keep going, soon a bright glow surrounds us, and I see a strange female, {Oh, so now you use my power?} and i know who this is [Omega......] she nods then walks behind me {So, trying to bring back this boy? Hmm, i'll help with the consequences, but only because i like your kids and don't like them feeling hurt either} i nod [thank you Omega] she waves me off and takes my hand and another light shines. I'm thrown back into my body and SCP Mario sits up with a gasp, "MOM!" my kids yell, "Athánatos! Mario!" the others from this world yell, and the two of us are hugged, "Y-you used Ever-Magic." Vanna says surprised, I nod and my kids all jump back in alarm "HOW ARE YOU STILL AWAKE!?" Galaxy and Auto ask, yelling in sync, i say "Omega likes my kids apparently." and my family goes silent until Sakura says "Dear word we're doomed." and we all laugh. A new person hugs me and there are tears in their eyes because i feel water droplets on my shoulder "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I hear SCP Bryan say and i hug him back "You're Welcome." then A.J. opens a portal, "I think we've caused enough trouble for this world, let's get you all home." my family nods, as do Sakura and Vanna, then we say goodbye and go home.

Outside pov

"Well that was something." Eden says "That it was. You think we can get that girl on our side?" Lucan questions "Oh I hope so, that magic would work amazingly on our counterparts, as well as make our lovers ours again." Maxwell says giggling, "I'lL sEe wHAT i CAn dO To gET US tO HEr." Springtrap says and the four villains laugh until a voice says "I'm already being hunted by her and you want to use her powers to defeat your COUNTERPARTS!?" a smack is heard then a sigh "Nope not going to let this happen, just going to erase everyone's memories of what happened, they'll remember the meet up, then being attacked but not by what and the battle will be blurry same with Athánatos' death, then they'll remember the flash of light and feeling relieved but nothing more." then there a snap and all is forgotten.

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