(FNAF/OoO) Truth about Twisted Animatronics

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Bryan pov

I was hanging out with Jakey at Camp Oasis, we were riding a boat around the lake like on our first date, and we were having a blast. Then it gets interrupted when we hear my name being yelled "BRYAN!" I look over and see...Helpy? I row the boat over and hop out "What's the matter Helpy?" I ask worried, "Twisted Wolf came to the park and wants to talk to you, preferably alone he said but no way we're letting you being alone with him but as for talking we are going to allow that." she says as she grabs my hand and drags me to the portal. I look behind me and see Jakey following looking highly ticked at the fact a Twisted came back, I sigh and look forward as we step through the portal. Helpy drags me to my office, let's go of my hand, turns around and leaves, I watch her leave, and see Jakey walk around her to get into the office. I hear a throat clear, I turn around and see Twisted Wolf standing there looking a bit unsure. "Ah, Twisted Wolf i heard you wanted to speak with me." I say, walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Uh, yeah, I just, what i mean is, well uh..." he starts but can't seem to finish, i look at him and he appears to be afraid so i look at what he's looking at....A glaring Jakey, I sigh walk over to Jakey, and proceed to whap him in the back of the head. "Wha!? What was that for!?" he cries out, I roll my eyes saying "Stop scaring him." "But he's a Twisted!" Jakey argues "A Twisted who came on peaceful terms to talk, so stop scaring him so i can hear him out." I say sternly.

Jakey sighs and nods, I smile and turn to face Twisted Wolf, "You may speak now." Twisted Wolf sighs looking down then says in a sad voice "I'm really sorry for chasing you around and causing chaos on your park, I really didn't want to but i can't fight my programming, and well my programming is easily accessed and changeable." he stops, looks up at me and continues, "I, want to explain the real reason behind the Twisted Animatronics coming after you." my eyes widen, and he continues, "The real reason is because they really did think you had information, because you are still alive." I share a surprised look with Jakey, and says "Explain now." Twisted Wolf nods and continues "My world's Bryan is missing, the animatronics think he's dead, which he is, and since you're alive and our worlds are identical except for the one thing of you not being dead while ours is, so...." They jumped to conclusions and believed I was working with Springtrap, so I would know how to fix their world." I finish his sentence and sigh then something he said catches my attention, "You said the animatronics think he's dead, then you said which he is," he freezes, "How do you know that?" he looks afraid, then defeated, lowering his head he says "Because I am the Bryan of their world." My eyes widen, "What?" I ask, his systems hiccup and i know he'd be crying if he could "I'm Bryan. I died by Orville's hand, all because I wouldn't swing the axe to get the key to get out of the maze." I freeze knowing that if I hadn't destroyed Orville, i'd be in the same suit he was in, "Oh my Zues." I whisper hands covering my mouth, tears coming to my eyes. I bring him into a hug and apologize for what he had to go through, Jakey looks confused, and i give him a -I'll tell you later- stare, to which he nods. Once Twisted Wolf calms down i say "You should tell them the truth." he looks down and says "Yeah, I know I should, but how do i tell them, ^Hey guys its me, i died and got stuffed into a suit by Springtrap.^ without them thinking i'm trying to pull their leg?" I think for a moment then say "Do something only we would do." He stares at me for a moment before he smiles and then rushes to the door, he stops right before opening it, then asks "Do you want to come with me and see my world?" I get excited and say "Hades Yeah!" he laughs and grabs my arm, gently, and drags me out of my office.

By the time we've reached the portal to their world we've collected all of the Animatronics to join us. Twisted Wolf smiles at me and I smile back then we step into the portal, on the other side is a cloudy day, we're outside the pizzeria, and i see that the windows are boarded up, and instead of a happy go pizzeria it's a horror attraction. I gasp quietly as do some of the Animatronics and Jakey, Twisted Wolf sneaks us in and hides us in a corner so we won't be spotted, then he quietly walks to what was once the stage, "Another day at Freddy Fazzabear's Pizzeria." he says, "I wonder what my friends are doing today." he continues, then turns only to freeze seeing Twisted Freddy at the door. "F-Freddy, I-I didn't see y-you there." he stutters in fear, "Where did you learn that?" Twisted Freddy asks sternly, Twisted Wolf gulps and other Twisted Animatronics, one for each of the animatronics i have, walk in, Twisted Wolf is shaking and says terrified "I m-made it up, fr-from when i w-was alive." Twisted Freddy's face goes from angry to shocked "B-Bryan?" he questions, i can see hope dancing in his red eyes, I turn my attention back to Twisted Wolf, he's shaking so bad you can hear his gears clanging against something, he nods quickly and then covers his eyes and his ears lower terrified of what's going to happen next. I watch as Twisted Freddy crosses the room in quick strides and grabs Twisted Wolf, he lets out a yelp of fear, and turns him around, removes his suit, and reveals, the bloody, rotting, body of Bryan Films. Jaykey lets out a small scream, but it's enough to get the attention of everyone else, they all turn to look at us, "Hi." I greet, then grab Jakey, yank him up, start running and yelling "GO, GO, GO!" we get to the portal and jump in, Jakey whirls on me and yells "WHAT WAS THAT!?" I sigh and say "That's what I was going to tell you later, in this world if you get caught by Springtrap or any killer animatronics you get stuffed into a suit. To which you then begin to haunt, because who knows why." he looks appalled at what I said, then grabs me and throws me over his shoulder saying "That's it you aren't allowed back here." "Hey! Jakey put me down!" I yell, slamming my hands on his back. "He stays here." a voice rings out, and Jakey stops, turning to the voice i look back, well forward and see, Twisted Freddy!? "I can take him where I want to." Jakey says coldly (Pun NOT intended) Twisted Freddy then proceeds to shut the portal behind him off, my mouth drops, "I can go back as i please Afton, before he died, put the portal's controls in me. So I can easily turn off your portal if you try to take Bryan away." Jakey growls at him, then puts me down. Twisted Freddy turns to me "Thank you for helping us find Bryan, we're burying his body now, and Wolfie is being given the same treatment as he was before, when he was alive." a flash of light and Twisted Freddy is reverted to Rockstar Freddy, he smiles and says "Seeya around Theme Park Bryan." salutes us then in another flash he's gone. I turn to everyone and say "Well that went well." Jakey glares at me and the animatronics laugh at me.

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