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So first off really sorry about not getting a lot uploaded, reasons are as follows:

I'm out of ideas as I just said (I came up with "The Attack" last night as I was trying to go to sleep)

I'm sick and am having a horrible time

Lastly my older sister has been home, and we share a room, she has no clue I have this account (nor does the rest of my family) they also don't know I watch other things that aren't Aphmau, so yeah if they found out I'd be in the dog house, and have my computer, more than likely, taken from me. SO yeah have to be sneaky about my writing that's why I have World of Warcraft in the background so it seems like i'm playing it and typing to my party members when i'm in dungeons when in truth im writing the stories you've been reading.

Anyway, I don't think there's really much more to say other than, please send more requests they have been really good ones and are fun to write. (P.S. if you request a lemon I'll do my best, never written one nor experienced one)

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