Surprise Guests (Final Part 5)

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(requested by Ashl0390)

Icicle pov

We were all hanging outside the guild hall, playing dodge the lighting, when a portal opened. We all look back and out pop hybrid animals, a white wolf with devil wings and horns clouds floating around him, starts barking at another white wolf with black snowflakes, with devil wings and horns, while he stands in front of a blue cat with devil wings and horns, and a nine tailed fox with bird wings. There is a black and brown wolf with dragon wings and horns barking back at the first white one, there are three other wolf dragon hybrids but only one is paying attention to the fight, the other two are watching us, same with the blue cat and blue 9 tailed fox. The brown and red wolf-dragon hybrid looks over at the blue cat and the blue cat nods, then the wolf-dragon hybrid walks up to us and in a flash a short version of the Bryan's appear "Hiya, I'm Bryan. Who are you?" everyone introduced themselves, by the time that's done the other hybrids are humans, and the once blue cat now short version of the Ritchie's steps forward to introduce his group. "I'm Rtichie, Cat-Devil Hybrid, my brother: Brandon Wolf-Devil Hybrid, his Mate: Lucas, Kitsune-Bird Hybrid, The Wolf-Dragon Hybrid Brothers: Mitch, Mario, Colin, and Bryan, and finally Mario's Mate: David the Wolf-Devil Hybrid." then in a blink of an eye the cat is stuck to David. "REALLY DAVID!? NOT ONLY DO YOU CAUSE US TO COME HERE BUT YOU BROUGHT A STICK POTION!?" Brandon's mini lookalike yells "I DID NO SUCH THING YOU KNOW RITCHIE JUST RANDOMLY STICKS TO THINGS!" my own mini me yells back at the Brandon lookalike. "He's right brother. I'm more surprised the others versions of me haven't gotten stuck to anything yet." the three blush and their respective brothers laugh.

"No you didn't......" I say looking at Lightning, he just blushes harder "-snort- Oh he did, got stuck to the house fan once." Wind supplies, and Lighting blushes harder "BRANDON!" he shouts at his twin. "OOOO where did Ritchie get stuck before?" Panda asks Orange and (T-T I don't have names for Inmo....) OoO/Fnaf Inmo, they smile at each other and Orange says "Under a table." "COLIN!?" Ritchie yells, and we all laugh again. "Now I'm curious as to where Rian has gotten stuck." Bri says and Void laughs "He got stuck on the ceiling and i had to yank him down, I don't know how but he literally secrets glue!" "AUSTIN!" Rian yells and all laugh again. Once we are calm the three Ritchie counterparts are red faced and I look to my counterparts, I can see we all have the same thought process, we sneak over to our respective Ritchie's and push them into our respective Michael's. The three are red cause they seem to get stuck to the Michael's and we all laugh, the three brothers shout in sync, minus the mute Inmo, "YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN STUCK IN YEARS AND NOW YOU STICK TO YOUR BOYFRIENDS!?" resulting in them blushing harder.

"OH MY GODS! I WANT HIM!" we hear a shout and see turn to see Maxwell fangirling over the mini Ritchie "MAXWELL! YOU JUST BLEW OUR COVER!" Lucan yells becoming visible next to him, "BUT LUCAN LOOK AT THE MINI'S OF OUR LOVERS!" Maxwell points to Mini Ritchie and Mini Brandon. Lucan looks over and we see literal hearts in his eyes "OH MY GODS! YOU ARE RIGHT THEY'RE ADORABLE!" we all go on the defensive immediately, Wings and Jazmena grab the mini versions of us and hide them behind everyone. There is a battle, everyone fighting the two, who have somehow gotten stronger, but I can still feel they're holding back. Mid battle we hear a yelp and yowl of pain, all movement freezes and all turn their heads toward the noise, only to see both Mini Ritchie and Mini Brandon unconscious, a cloaked figure standing over them. "WHO ARE YOU!?" Mini Mitch yells and the cloaked figure speaks "Well that wasn't supposed to happen. I'm sorry Ritchie and Brandon i was trying to put you to sleep, I didn't expect you two to jump at me when I cast the spell, resulting in you falling." it's a female, she sighs and then says "Sorry for interrupting your fight scene just trying to get my characters back. You all may resume." she lifts her hand and a flash of light and the Mini's are gone. "What just happened?" Bren asks and we all shrug, then we notice Lucan and Maxwell are gone, so we all return to training letting the events fade from our mind.

(The cloaked figure is Ash....I've had me and Galaxy, our author selves, pop up in my stories why not Ash, also next chap is going to be the final final so no more Darkness after next know what that means....THE KIDS ARE COMING BACK!)

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