(FTO) Torture

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(This is what happens after from where the video cut off from Brandon's newest video, i watched and was like it needs more!)

Outside pov

It was supposed to be a peaceful, grand magic games but then everything went to chaos when ^The Garden^ attacked. All were teleported to who knows where thanks to the Grandmaster, as the magic dissipates, all in their specified places, lacrima are all around to show others of what was going on and what was happening to them, each group unable to do anything to help another. The pairs are simple, Ritchie and his evil counterpart, Brandon and his evil counterpart, the dragon slayers, and the rest are in magic draining chains.

Bryan pov

I groan as the magic fades, I look around and see my brothers, "Guys?" I call, they all groan a response, standing up, Mitch growls then grumbles "Got to cocky, they knew about the bond." Colin, who is now in control, looks down upset, "What have we done?" "Nothing." Mario growls. Whatever cell we are in tilts and we all fall to our knees faces turning green, "Ugh." we all groan, "W-where, {urp} are w-we?" I ask forcing myself not to puke, "P-prison, {urk} cell m-m-meant t-to m{urp}ove, isss, {whimper} a t-type of torture mea{groan}thod" Mario informs us curling around his stomach, we try our hardest to remain strong, but the movement becomes to much for me, especially since i'm half Dragon and they get it much worse that Dragon Slayers, and i puke, black dots cross my vision, and i whimper. The room moves again, and I throw up again, "B-Bryan!" my brothers call and stumble over to me, I whimper again as the room moves, my vision swims and I puke once more, "Bryan." I hear from my left, I look and see Mitch, "I don feel g-good" I cry out, Mitch grabs me and moves me into his lap, I shudder as the room moves again, i hear barfing and see Colin lost his resolve, he groans and sits next to Mitch cuddling up to him. I hear a grunt and look over to see Mario beside us laying against Mitch as well, face still green, "Is i-it worse, because {urp} of?" he asks and I nod, only to shoot forward to puke again.

We are like this for hours, Mitch pukes about 5 times, Mario 6, Colin 9, me 12 or more, i've lost count plus i'm mainly dry heaving more than puking after about 6. I just finish dry heaving for the 13th time when we hear gears clank, the room, in mid movement, freezes, then there's a blast and the wall to our right shatters and an angry looking Micheal, Ritchie, and Brandon march in , they stomp over to us and hand us potions, <Anti-Motion Sickness + Mana Restorative Drink> we all drink and feel much better. We all stand up, me with a little help needed, Ritchie, Micheal, and Brandon help us to walk out, and head back to the Protector's guild hall.

When we arrive, our mates and Pat, help us each to lie down. I smile at Jakey as he fusses over me, I reach out and grab his hand, causing him to still, he looks at me and sees my smile and smiles back. I look over to my brothers and see them each calming their mates, in their own respective way, though when my eyes land on Mitch and Pat, my eyes widen and I gasp quietly, my brothers hear and look at me, then look in the direction im looking and gasp as well. Mitch's mate mark, it's showing, but since only Dragons and Dragon slayers can see it no one else is making a big deal, my brothers look back at me and i give them a cheshire grin, Colin nods his head, and Mario rolls his eyes so i call out "Hey Mitch you may want to take care of that problem you got there." Everyone looks at me confused then at Mitch, he's looking at me with a 'what are you talking about' look so i gesture on my arm, and he looks down and jumps back falling off his bed with a gasp. Me and my brothers laugh as everybody else seems confused, Alomose takes over Pat and looks at Mitch and "Ah's" then says "Bryan is right you may want to deal with that." then lets out a giggle, and then lets Pat back in control. "Can someone explain?" Kay asks, so Mario clears it up, "When you meet your mate a mark appears on your arm, Mitch's just appeared." "Who's his mate?" Micheal asks curious, Mitch shoots off the floor "don't you dare tell them!" I raise my eyebrow and say "You told ours so we get to tell yours" he groans and flops backward on his designated bed arm going over his eyes. "So who is it?" Bren asks, "Pat." me and Colin say at the same time, while looking at Pat, his face turns red and he just freezes, mouth agape. "You know i was waiting for that ship to take off." Micheal says, and everyone turns to him, "What? A guy can read every now and then too, you know." he says with a shrug, and we all laugh. I look over and see that Pat has unfroze and is now covering his face sitting on the bed next to Mitch and Mitch is still in the same position but blushing, so i call out "I bet by tomorrow we'll have a newly mated Dragon Slayer." Colin grins and says "By dinner tonight they'll be mates, and if I win you owe me a dragon dance" My jaw drops then "Oh you are so on, I win you owe me a dragon dance." Mitch calls "Not going to happen!" and we raspberry him. He just grunts back and Mario says "You both will owe me a dragon dance if you two don't go to sleep to rest and recover." we both "meep"' and immediately lay in our beds and try to go to sleep. "What exactly is so bad about a dragon dance?" Brandon asks as i fall asleep 'turns out i was more tired than i thought' i think as i fade to sleep,last thing i hear "It's not bad, just hilarious." from Mario.

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