The Darkness Has A Master

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(Ty for the name Amyl2006 (I think that's right) here's the next part of the story)

Cloaked Figure's pov

Upon my arrival back at the base all my minions froze, silence until "Bravo. They are afraid, and weak, exactly how I want them." I speak and they all breathe a sigh of relief. "All of you rest up and heal, we'll strike again soon." I order and they all head off, I walk to my office and close the door behind me. 'They did well. I'll give those fools that.' I think, pain flares in my head and my magic releases, {You found that to be a job done well!?} one voice speaks, [Yes, they were able to bring fear into their minds] says another voice, both male. {We need to make sure that those two aren't injured or harmed, they belong to us.} the first male says, [I know this, but the fools we control will not listen to us if we order that] says the second male {So you're just willing to let them be hurt!?} the first argues, [No! Never! But what would you have me do? Hmm? Tell our troops that we want those two unharmed and have them be suspicious of us!?] the second retorts angry.

A knock is sounded at the door, the two males look to the door then to each other before letting themselves remerge together, "Come in." I say, Springtrap, and Eden enter "BoSS." "M'lady." they both say to me "What is it you need?" I ask glare on them, "I nEEd PaRTs." "I merely followed him, to make sure he didn't kill you." I sigh "Springtrap, the parts are in the third room in the left hallway, Eden stop thinking Springtrap is going to kill me i can take care of myself." they both nod and leave closing the door behind them, I sigh once more and release my magic again [That was too close.] the second male speaks {That it was. We need to lure them away from the rest of the group and trap them} the first says [How, pray tell do you plan to do that?] the second asks rolling his eyes {Live bait, and a way to get rid of our counterparts.} the first says evilly, the second looks intrigued, and they fuse once more "Oh, Yes. That is a brilliant plan." I say smiling evilly "Let the planning begin." I continue looking to the mirror, removing my hood, there stands a female, "They will never suspect that those two combined makes a girl." I laugh crazily placing my hands on the sides of the mirror i let my magic go ever so slightly. Two male heads are visible, the first with brown hair, the second with black and purple {We will take back what it ours} the brown haired male says [That we will] the blacka nd purple haired man agrees, then they are gone, and the female remains "Prepare yourselves Michael and Lucas for Alea Master of the Dark, for I will get what belongs to me." I whisper out, turning from the mirror and walking away a crazed smile on my face. I raise my hood back up, and walk out of my office, I see everyone ready and waiting "I have a plan! One that needs key people to pull it off, who's with me?" and shout of "I'M WITH YOU!" rings out through the room, I grin "WE STRIKE IN THE MORNING!" I shout and all cheer. 'Let the games begin.' I think and then laugh.

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